What I Learned From a Walk in the Park: Be Flexible and Open

7 years ago

The morning started off like any other. I had just finished stretching and was about to do my normal routine…

An Overlooked Key to Personal Growth: Find Your Future in Your Past

7 years ago

It started as a quick run to the drug store. I was visiting my parents in the small Michigan town…

The Big Question Posed By Celebrity Suicides

7 years ago

Kate Spade. Anthony Bourdain. For those even marginally acquainted with fashion or food culture, these are familiar names. They had…

What a Gallbladder Attack Taught Me About Personal Development

7 years ago

I was writhing in agony. The burning pain across my abdomen was consuming. After several hours with no relief, I…

A 98 Second Video That Really Can Change Your Life

7 years ago

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then I think this 98 second video is worth about a million.…

5 Practical Steps to Real Community

7 years ago

Becoming yourself takes courage. After my last post (Becoming Yourself Together) on the importance of authentic community, a reader reached…

Becoming Yourself Together

7 years ago

It came as tragedies often do - unexpectedly. I was setting up for an Easter music rehearsal at the church…

What’s Your Story? Find and Pursue Your Calling

7 years ago

I was munching on a Cornish pasty when it happened. My wife and I were having dinner at an English-style…

Deep Calls to Deep: Take 4 Minutes to Feed Your Soul

7 years ago

I never forget to eat. When I wake up in the morning, then around noon, and again in the evening,…

How’s Your Balance? Check Your Top 5 Areas of Personal Growth

7 years ago

There’s a bizarre character in the M. Night Shyamalan movie Lady in the Water. He’s a bodybuilder who only works…