My Problem is Me (and Yours is You)

7 years ago

A long time ago I was making small talk with someone when he started talking about extra-marital affairs. I had…

Are You Awake?

7 years ago

Remember The Matrix movie? In this popular philosophy-ridden action film, the human race was unconsciously enslaved by machines. Everyone thought…

What’s Your OS?

7 years ago

I walked into the Apple Store to buy a new laptop. With my recent job transition, I turned in my…

The TV Commercial That Changed My Life – Part 2

7 years ago

In my last post, The TV Commercial That Changed My Life - Part 1, I told how an ad for…

The TV Commercial That Changed My Life – Part 1

8 years ago

Something about the ad caught my attention. Normally I fast-forward or mute TV commercials but not this one. It was…

Pokemon, a Blown Tire, and Bacon

8 years ago

It came out of nowhere. My wife and I were driving back from playing PokemonGo in a nearby park (yes,…

Temple Health

8 years ago

Let me say this right up front - I am in no way an expert on health, exercise or nutrition.…

Extraneous Questions and the Meaning of Life

8 years ago

My classmate was trying to be clever. He thought he could stump my dad, one of the smartest people you’ll…

The Labyrinth

8 years ago

I was walking a labyrinth on the campus of Denison University in Granville, Ohio, last summer. A labyrinth is a walking…

Becoming Yourself

8 years ago

A topless beach in Spain. An unmarked trail in the woods of Michigan. An encounter with a special needs gardener.…