I struggle to have life lessons stick. Whenever I have a personal development insight, either taken from someone else’s wisdom…
Sometimes I’m not very smart. In my search for meaning, joy, and a life well-lived, I often look for new…
One of the main reasons I started this blog in 2017 was to map my own journey toward finding my…
I’d never written a eulogy before. My 82-year-old mom fell on February 18, 2024. She fractured both cheeks and the…
Life is hard right now. My mom's serious medical issue that I mentioned in a post a few weeks ago…
Spoiler alert—the needs of the world are endless. Poverty. Disease. Human trafficking. Food shortage. Climate change. Homelessness. Income inequality. Racism.…
It’s Easter. While for many of us, Easter is a time of bunnies, chocolate eggs, and a celebration of the…
Sometimes simple words are best. I recently read a reflection on a deep truth—being is more important than doing. It’s…
“See what happens when you tune your pace to the trickle of a stream, or the waft of a lazy…
I was mad. I’d been working with an attorney on a small estate planning project. When the work dragged on…