How to Be Happy (Part 4): A 1 Minute Thanksgiving Practice

In honor of Thanksgiving week, I want to share a simple, quick practice I’ve developed over the years that helps me be happy. It’s a way to put my mind on a positive track vs. dwelling on the inevitable frustrations, difficulties and disappointments that life throws my way. Here it is:

Take 1 minute at the beginning and end of each day to remember the things you’re thankful for.

Simple right? Perhaps simple enough to make you skeptical. Could such an obvious and easy thing really make a difference? I can only tell you that it works for me. Starting the morning with an “attitude of gratitude” helps me keep a healthy, positive focus throughout the day. Ending the evening by reminding myself of the good things in my life, even after a horrible day, helps me find some perspective and drift off to a more peaceful sleep.

Personally, I do this as part of a prayer but you can do it as a simple moment of reflection too. Here are a few categories to help you get going:

1. HEALTH – If you’re in reasonably good health and free from ongoing pain, that’s a win. Be thankful for it.

2. ANOTHER DAY – I have a neighbor who says “Every day above ground is a good one.” He has a point. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Be thankful for the gift of another 24 hours and the opportunity for a fresh start.

3. BASIC NEEDS MET – Do you have clean water to drink? Enough to eat? Clothes and a roof over your head? Congratulations. You are privileged. Millions around the world can’t say the same. Even in wealthy USA, recent natural disasters have robbed thousands of the basics. Be grateful.

4. RELATIONSHIPS – We’ve all heard it a hundred times because it’s true – family and friends add joy, richness and meaning to life. If you have them, be thankful. There are many who don’t.

5. A JOB – If you need one and you have one, celebrate. Even if it’s not a source of joy in your life, I’m guessing it beats the alternative. Whenever I’m frustrated with one of my jobs, I try to remember all the jobs other people do that I would absolutely hate. It makes me thankful for mine.

What would you add to this list? Make it personal and be creative. If you’re chasing happiness, try working these 1 minute wonders into your morning and evening routine. If you do, you’ll take another simple step toward Becoming Yourself.

Matt McMann

Matt McMann writes books for children and the personal development blog Becoming Yourself (

Published by
Matt McMann

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