
Feeling Jumbled? Try Organizing Something

It had bugged me for months.

My wife and I have limited space in our small condo. We’re both book lovers, so our bookshelf was overflowing, and our novel floor stacks were a disorganized mess. We only have one closet for all our clothes, luggage, personal items, and supplies to run our author business. Over time, things had become jumbled and hard to find.

I’d finally had enough. I emptied our supply cupboards, tossed unneeded items, added a shelf, and put things back in a more logical way. We went through our clothes and culled our book collection. I arranged the remaining books by category, then hauled five full garbage bags to Goodwill.

With our reorganized closet and book collection, not only are things easier to find and more visually pleasing, but I feel lighter, more relaxed. My mind seems clearer, and my thoughts more organized. I’m reminded how much my inner state is affected by my outer one. When my surroundings are cluttered and chaotic, my mind and heart often follow suit.

The correlation is even greater with my schedule. When my days and nights are packed with events, meetings, and obligations, my inner world is muddled, like silt stirred in a pond. My recent sixteen-day book tour was an endless stream of people, places, and presentations, leaving me emotionally and mentally exhausted. Now, after some days off and clearing my schedule, my equilibrium has returned.

Are you feeling jumbled these days? Are the waters of your mind and heart muddied? Try organizing something. A drawer. A closet. Your digital or physical desktop. A shelf. A room. Prioritize your schedule. Build in margin. Say no to things. If you do, the clear waters will soon return, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

Matt McMann

Matt McMann writes books for children and the personal development blog Becoming Yourself (becomingyourself.net).

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  • Great topic and great advise today, Matt! Unfortunately, this is a process that seems to always creep back into our lives. But as with you, sorting, straightening, eliminating all have to be done periodically to prevent being overwhelmed by "clutter". Thanks for sharing! Be blessed. Dennis

    • Thank you so much for sharing that, Dennis! You are certainly not alone in this be an ongoing area to address. As the law of entropy states, things in life naturally drift toward disorganization so we have to keep working at it :) Hope all is well with you!

Published by
Matt McMann

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