I was focused on getting to the center when I became irritated by some tree branches overhanging the path. I was about to duck past them when I realized I was missing the whole point of the labyrinth. The goal is not “to get to the center” but to reflectively enjoy the journey.
Then it occurred to me – how often do I treat life that way? Plodding my way unseeing from one task to the next as if the goal of life is to get to the end and die. How do I so easily fall into that mindset?
So I stopped myself. Paused. Really looked at the branch. Touched the leaves. Sniffed them even. They didn’t have much of a scent but I was proud of myself for smelling the proverbial roses.
Leaves are surprisingly interesting when you take the time to really look. I was particularly drawn to the back of a leaf where the veins could be clearly seen. I noticed the symmetry – balanced, but not perfectly so. Similar enough to evenly support the leaf but with variety too. I took in the oval chunks missing from one edge where a bug had helped itself to lunch. So this leaf, while itself flourishing, provided nourishment for another living thing. It helped another creature thrive.
Isn’t that like us? Like the veins of a leaf, we are at our best when we work together to support a community while retaining our individual uniqueness. We strive to find balance in life while recognizing that perfect balance is an unattainable ideal. We try to live our lives in such a way that we are healthy and flourishing not just for ourselves but so that we have the capacity to help others thrive, to give while still growing personally.
So as you continue the journey through your own personal Labyrinth, don’t forget to pause. Notice what’s around you. Reflect. And remember that the goal of life is not to push blindly to the end but to reach out to others while Becoming Yourself.
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