Developing a Better You

Month: December 2017

4 Simple “Dream” Ideas for Setting New Year’s Goals

Dreams are weird. I think most of us can relate. Who hasn’t had a dream that was so bizarre you could never invent it if you tried? Sometimes they reflect our hopes and desires, sometimes our worries and fears, and sometimes what we ate for dinner. I don’t know about you but every once in awhile, I have dreams that seem… different. More meaningful. You can call that fate or coincidence or God speaking or random nothingness or whatever you like, but they are special.

New Year's Goals: PlayI was recently reminded of one of those dreams. I tend to be more reflective this time of year and that led me to look at some old journal notes. I stumbled across a dream that I had written down on Dec 31, 2015 because it felt like one of the “more meaningful” variety. It seems somehow appropriate for Old Year’s reflection and New Year’s goal setting so I thought I’d share it here. I hope that it helps you decide on what you want to achieve or, more importantly, who you want to be in the year ahead. Remember, this is a recording of a dream so take that into account as you assess the weirdness factor :)

I dreamed that I was talking with four friends about life. About what I’d learned and things that helped me live the life I wanted. The odd part is that they were all playing on a giant swing set while we talked. Go figure. Here are the four things I shared:

1.  PLAY – it’s the field where new ideas are birthed and all things are
possible. What does playing look like for you? What gives you joy and makes you feel like a wide-eyed child again? Do that regularly in the new year and see where it leads you.

New Year's Goals: Dream2.  DREAM – allow God and/or your own imagination to bring visions to your mind and heart. Dream big dreams. What are you passionate about? What would you attempt if you knew you wouldn’t fail? What would you try if you had unlimited resources? Take a few minutes to regularly let your mind run free this year. It will probably point you in some new, life-giving directions.

New Year's Goals: Pray3.  PRAY – ask God for wisdom and direction on what you should do. If the God thing isn’t for you, seek advice from others you respect on significant decisions you need to make or ideas you have. This is a smart thing to do in addition to prayer anyway. It can help you focus your efforts and avoid pitfalls in the year ahead.

New Year's Goals: Plan4.  PLAN – prepare, organize, and do the work of going after your dreams. When I lived in Michigan, we had an auto insurance acronym called P.L.P.D. I don’t remember what it stood for but I’ve revamped it for my own life to stand for Pray, List, Prioritize, Do. It’s been a helpful framework to give some direction to my goals for years.

So there you have it. Advice from a dream to consider for the New Year. Is there helpful wisdom there? I’ll let you be the judge. Whatever you decide, I hope you’ll be joining me this year as we chase the life we really desire! If you do, you’ll take another big step toward Becoming Yourself.

The Santa Affect: 3 Simple Ways to Give Where You Get

Give and Get: Santa PuppyGiving is supposed to be a selfless act. I get it. But if you’re like me, sometimes it helps to have a little extra motivation to give. Here are three simple ways to give where you get something in return.

1. TIME – when we give our time to help others it sweetens the time we spend on ourselves.

Give and Get: Time ClockWhen I volunteer my time at Furnishing Dignity, an awesome local organization that provides free furniture for people transitioning from homelessness, I honestly don’t always feel like fighting traffic to get to the warehouse by 7:30 am. And hauling heavy couches up to 2nd floor apartments isn’t at the top of my fun list either. But those sacrifices buy me a smile from a single mom whose apartment was empty 30 minutes ago that is now completely furnished. I arrive home reminded of how beautiful my house is and how fortunate I am. I enjoy and appreciate my life so much more when I give some of my time to help others.

A NEXT STEP: check out for volunteer opportunities in your area (you can sort by area of interest and commitment level)

2. TALENTS – when we share our talents with others we encourage them to share theirs with us.

Give and Get: Talent SkillsOne of my favorite jobs as my wife Lisa McMann’s assistant is sorting her fan mail. She’s an amazing NY Times bestselling author of 19 books and counting. Many of the letters she gets are from kids who thank her for sharing her talent for writing and tell her that she has inspired them to write their own stories. Her office wall is covered with drawings kids have made of her characters. An author’s life is not an easy one. I’ve had a front row seat for over a decade of her rejection letters, harsh critics, high-pressure deadlines and brutal tour schedules. But she loves it and has a gift. She fights through all the hard stuff to share her talent with others. And she gets a lot of love and joy in return. Your talents may not get you fan letters but if you can find a way to use them to help others, I bet you will be appreciated. And you just might find yourself on the receiving end of someones else’s gifts.

A NEXT STEP: think of one way you can use a talent you have to brighten someone’s day and knock it out this week.

3. TREASURE – when we give money to others in need, we appreciate the money we keep all the more.

Give and Get: Water BuffaloOne of my favorite Christmas traditions is giving everyone in our family money that they can donate to the charity of their choice. I keep a selection of those charity requests we get in the mail and spread them on the floor. It’s so fun to watch everyone choose where they’re going to give and share why it’s important to them. One year we combined our money and bought a poor family in Thailand their own water buffalo through Heifer International. I still remember the quote we received about the impact of a gift like that from a farmer who received one: “If I die, my family will mourn. If our water buffalo dies, my family will starve.” That will put your Christmas into perspective really quickly.

The church where I sing and play guitar did this in a big way recently when the lead pastor encouraged the attenders to put their love into action by sponsoring an impoverished child in Columbia. By the end of the weekend, the people of the church had sponsored every single child Compassion International had in their database for the entire country! Over 11,000 kids sponsored in a single weekend (it’s a really big church). Choose to give some of your treasure away and I’m guessing you and your family will be much more content no matter what gifts are under the tree this year.

A NEXT STEP: use to find a charity you can trust

So how about it? What’s one way you can give some of your time, talent, or treasure this week? Do it because there are people all around you who could really use what you have to give. And for that extra motivation, do it because you’ll get a lot in return. If you do, you’ll take another great step toward Becoming Yourself.

A Simple Way to De-stress With a Rule of Life

A Simple Way to Destress: OverwhelmedFor most of my life I’ve felt like I wasn’t doing enough. Not giving enough money to charities. Not spending enough time developing relationships. Not doing enough to serve others. Not working enough on my own heath and well-being. Every TV commercial showing a child in need made me feel guilty. Every article about diet, exercise or sleep habits made me feel like I was failing. Every book on relationships made me feel like I was falling short of being a good husband, father, friend, or neighbor.

A Simple Way to Destress: StressThese feelings led me to ask some hard questions: how do I balance all the competing demands in my life? How do I choose to live in a world where there is so much need? How do I spend my time, energy, and money? I felt overwhelmed by the “should do” lists in my life.

Then I discovered an old spiritual practice called A Rule of Life. In simple terms, it’s choosing a list of actions to take in each area of your life. And here’s the beauty of it – if you’re doing those things, you can let yourself off the hook. No more guilt for not doing more!

So what does a Rule of Life look like? Every Rule will be different since it’s personal to you but generally it should be SHORT, SPECIFIC, PRACTICAL, and MEASURABLE. Here are some examples from mine:

1. PHYSICAL – I will average 8 hours of sleep a night, run 20 minutes a day 5 times a week, and eat a low-carb diet focused on minimizing sugar.

A Simple Way to Destress: Money2. FINANCIAL – I will fund my retirement plan and give at least 10% of my income to charities I believe in.

3. RELATIONAL – I will spend 4+ evenings a week hanging out with my wife, have lunch once a week with my accountability partner, and get together with a group of friends at least once a month.

A Simple Way to Destress: Woman Praying4. SPIRITUAL – I will spend 45-60 minutes praying / reading / meditating / hanging out with God 6 mornings a week.

A Simple Way to Destress: Volunteer5. SERVING OTHERS – I will volunteer 1-2x per month at Furnishing Dignity (an awesome local organization that provides furniture for people transitioning from homelessness).

As you can see from my list, this is not complicated. The goal of a personal Rule of Life is simply clarifying for yourself how you’re going to spend your resources of time, energy, and money. It’s living on purpose vs. drifting along. It’s being proactive vs. reactive. It’s naming specific actions that will help you live out what you say is important to you.

A Simple Way to Destress: Woman on BeachI’ve found that having a simple Rule of Life frees me from a lot of stress and guilt. Sometimes things that aren’t on my list come up that I feel I need to do. That’s ok. And when circumstances in my life change, I update my Rule. But having this baseline has made me happier, more peaceful, and more productive.

So how about you? What categories and action steps would make your list? Take 10 minutes to write out a simple Rule of Life. Implement your new choices one at a time. Celebrate your small victories. Share your Rule of Life with someone who can encourage you and hold you accountable. Enjoy the increase in your peace and productivity! If you do, you’ll take another big step toward Becoming Yourself.
For more info on a Rule of Life, check out:

1. Instructions for Developing a Personal Rule of Life – this is a 3 page PDF on making your own Rule of Life. It has a spiritual focus but the overall principles and tips are helpful for non-faith based Rules as well.

2. The Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun – a good, easy to read book with 3-4 page entries on a variety of spiritual disciplines including A Rule of Life.

3. The Rules of Life: A Personal Code for Living a Better, Happier, More Successful Kind of Life by Richard Templar – full disclosure, this one I haven’t read but it came up in my research and thought it looked worth passing along.

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