I often learn the most when people simply share their story.

On my lifelong journey of personal development, I’ve read a lot of books, watched a lot of videos, and listened to a lot of lectures, debates, and podcasts. While I’ve learned much from experts opinions on various topics, I often find unexpected insights when someone just talks about their life.

With the publication of my debut book series with Penguin Random House approaching (May 2023 – you can learn about it here), I gave my first author interview to an excellent blogger named Angie Azur. She asked a wide range of questions that were both insightful and fun, touching on my background, what’s most important to me, how my author wife and I work together, writing advice, and much more.

So at the risk of being self-indulgent, for this post I offer you the opportunity to read the interview. Hopefully, you’ll find it not only entertaining, but it will provide insights into who I am that will make my future posts more helpful to you on your journey toward Becoming Yourself.