Developing a Better You

Month: March 2023

The Healing Power of Vulnerability

Admitting weakness is hard for me.

I prefer to share how the personal development practices I’ve learned help me lead a more joyful, peaceful, and meaningful life. But being open about my recent struggles in my last post brought relief. The act of sharing honestly, of being vulnerable, eased some of the weight I’d been carrying. And rather than judgement, I received a flood of support, understanding, prayers, and encouragement from so many of you. I was very touched and felt carried.

My family is settling in to the new normal of life without a loved one. My lingering physical illness is mostly gone. I’ve checked some big things off my to do list in advance of my books being released. The author part of my identity has shrunk into a healthier balance.

This experience reinforced a lesson I’ve learned again and again—being appropriately vulnerable with others about my struggles brings healing. Not only do I personally benefit from the love and support, but the people around me feel less alone in their own pain. 

So when the hard times come, drop your guard. Be honest. Let people in. Share your struggles. Embrace vulnerability. If you do, you’ll feel the weight begin to ease, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

When the Inspiration Stops

This is not a fun season. 

Last minute travel due to an unexpected family emergency. Lingering illness. Edit deadlines. Anxiety over the approaching release of my debut novels. These things have left me feeling flat, empty, and without much to say. 

Normally the words flow, and I have a clear idea of what I want to share here, something I hope will help you on your personal development journey. Lately… not so much. 

A hard reality of life is that sometimes the inspiration stops. Sometimes the familiar path leads to a broken bridge, and we have to find another way across. For me right now, that’s about writing. For you, it may be about your job or a relationship or your health or a loss of some kind. 

If you’re in that place, know that you’re not alone. Be kind to yourself. Breathe. Rest. Give yourself grace. Do something that fills your emotional tank. Complete one small task. Trust that eventually the clouds will lift, and the stream will flow again. If you do, you’ll soon feel hope stirring, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself. 

Photo by Ruben Mishchuk on Unsplash

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