Developing a Better You

Month: April 2023 (Page 1 of 2)

And Now For Something Completely Different…

This is a curveball.

If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you know I usually share my personal development journey in hopes that it will help you with yours. This post is something different.

I’ve dreamed of being an author since I was a kid. After long years and a lot of struggle, that dream is about to come true. My first two novels will be published by Penguin Random House in a few weeks. In lieu of my normal personal development focus, I’d like to tell you about my book series. If you’re not interested, feel free to stop reading and check back next week.

The first two books in my spooky middle grade monster mystery series MONSTERIOUS publish on May 9, 2023. Why are they such a departure from what I normally write here? Because I was a scared kid, afraid of everything from the dark, to bullies, to the woods, to our basement. But I loved spooky stories. Seeing characters in those books face their fears gave me the courage to face my own. I want to write novels that give kids today the same spooky fun and help that those kinds of books gave me. And they are so fun to both read and write!

Come meet me at one of my events!

MONSTERIOUS books are geared for ages 8 to 12, but are great for anyone who enjoys fast-paced spooky thrillers with lots of action, humor, and heart. The books are short, can be read in any order, publish in hardcover, paperback, and audio simultaneously, and come out fast.

MONSTERIOUS: ESCAPE FROM GRIMSTONE MANOR (May 9, 2023) is about three friends who are trapped overnight in a haunted house amusement park ride and discover the monsters are real.

MONSTERIOUS: THE SNATCHER OF RAVEN HOLLOW (May 9, 2023) is about two friends who learn that a mysterious monster is responsible for the disappearance of babies in their small town—but no one believes them.

MONSTERIOUS: TERROR IN SHADOW CANYON (Aug 22, 2023) is about five hikers lost in a remote wilderness who are stalked by a flesh-eating monster.

All three books are available for preorder now wherever books are sold. The first two hit shelves May 9. A fourth will follow in January 2024. If they sound fun to you or to some spooky-loving reader in your life, I would be incredibly grateful if you’d buy them. As a debut trying to find an audience, every sale really helps in my goal to have a career an author. If this free blog has been helpful to you, and you’d like to support my writing, this is a great way to do it!

For more book info, fun background on me and my family, a calendar of tour appearances where you can meet me, and buy links for all my books, visit You can even download a free spooky short story as my thanks for visiting.

Thank you so much for being a part of not only my personal development journey, but my writing journey as well. I hope my sharing about both helps you take your next step toward Becoming Yourself.

Freedom from the Illusion of Control

I was writhing in agony and utter confusion.

Ten minutes earlier I’d been sitting with a cup of tea, chatting with my wife and enjoying a normal morning. Out of nowhere, I felt a burning, cramping sensation begin to build in my upper abdomen. In short order, I was on the floor, and she was dialing 911.

EMTs helped me onto a stretcher, and the ambulance rushed me to the emergency room. On the way, I experienced waves of pain I’d never known in my fifty-three years.

At the hospital, I was quickly hooked up to IVs and equipment. As tests were run, the pain began to subside, then faded away before I was given pain meds. The blood work, CT scan, and other tests all came back negative. My gall bladder was removed five years ago, eliminating that as the potential issue. The doctors said the good news was that all major concerns were ruled out. The bad news was they had no idea what caused my pain. They released me with instructions to come back for further testing if the symptoms returned.

One side effect of that experience was a shattering of my illusion of control. Without warning, life took my plans, desires, to do list, and responsibilities for the day and stomped on them. In moments, I was utterly helpless to do anything but surrender—surrender to the situation, surrender to the pain, surrender to the medical professionals caring for me. It was a humbling place to be.

My love of certainty has been another casualty of that fateful morning. I’m faced with the reality that I have no idea what happened or if the mind-bending pain will return. Will it hit on my upcoming book tour? In an airplane? When I’m out with friends? Never? It’s an unwelcome part of my life that I simply have to accept.

Author and Harvard professor Henri Nouwen said this about our illusion of control: 

What keeps us from opening to the reality of the world? Could it be that we cannot accept our powerlessness and are only willing to see those wounds that we can heal? Could it be that we do not want to give up our illusion that we are masters over our world and, therefore, create our own Disneyland where we can make ourselves believe that all events of life are safely under control? Could it be that our blindness and deafness are signs of our own resistance to acknowledging that we are not the Lord of the Universe? It is hard to allow these questions to go beyond the level of rhetoric and to really sense in our innermost self how much we resent our powerlessness. . . .

henri nouwen

I appreciate both his sobering honesty and the fact that he does not leave us without hope:

The astonishing thing is that the battle for survival has become so “normal” that few people really believe that it can be different. . . . Oh, how important is discipline, community, prayer, silence, caring presence, simple listening, adoration, and deep, lasting faithful friendship. We all want it so much, and still the powers suggesting that all of that is fantasy are enormous. But we have to replace the battle for power with the battle to create space for the spirit.

henri nouwen

How tightly do you cling to control? Learn to let go. Find something or someone outside of yourself that’s worthy of trust. Embrace uncertainty. Practice silence, listening, and honest reflection. Nurture deep relationships. Choose peace regardless of circumstance. If you do, you’ll experience a simple freedom, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

As shared in the April 16, 2023 Daily Meditation by the Henri Nouwen Society. Text excerpts taken from “You are the Beloved” by Henri J.M. Nouwen © 2017 by The Henri Nouwen Legacy Trust. Published by Convergent Books.

The Wonderful Superfluousness of Beauty

It was completely superfluous.

During the recent Spring Arts Festival that took over Tempe, Arizona where I live, the city hired an artist to paint a giant sunflower on the circle drive in front of my office building.

Between the cleaning, prep work, and painting, it shut down the little street for six days. Deliveries were halted. It was highly inconvenient. And who knows how much money it cost the city to pay workers to prep the space, buy the paint, and hire the artist.

As I watched the work progress directly below my office window, I was reminded of a quote:

It is the useless things that make life worth living and that make life dangerous too: wine, love, art, beauty. Without them life is safe, but not worth bothering with.

stephen fry

There is a superfluous nature to beauty. It’s not like food, water, oxygen, or shelter. We don’t need it to exist. But is the goal of human life mere existence? Just piling up as many days as possible before succumbing to the inevitability of death? I think not. I’d rather live a short abundant life than a long bleak one. I’m guessing you would too.

So I say bravo to the city of Tempe. I wholeheartedly support the use of my tax dollars on “superfluous” beauty. Thank you for making my life a little brighter, a little more colorful, and for bringing a smile to my face each time I glance out the window.   

What “superfluous” beauty can you enjoy today? Take a walk in a park. Stroll an art gallery. Stream a YouTube nature video on your TV. Set out fresh flowers. Frame a picture you love. Surround yourself with beauty. If you do, you’ll breathe more life into living, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

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