I’m a “vegetables and candy” writer.
Those of you that know me from this blog read my vegetable writing—healthy, nourishing, and helpful for growth (hopefully).
But I make my living with my candy writing. I write books for kids, specifically a spooky monster mystery series called Monsterious.
Monsterious books are short, and as each is a stand alone adventure with a unique cast of characters, they can be read in any order. They’re a good fit for fans of Goosebumps, Stranger Things, and Five Nights at Freddy’s, if those franchises mean anything to you. While Monsterious is targeted for eight to twelve year olds, I write them in such a way that they can be enjoyed by anyone who loves a fast-paced spooky thriller with lots of action, humor, and heart.

Why am I telling you all this? For two simple reasons:
1. In case you’re interested in the books
2. In case you’d like to support my writing
I’ve always written this blog for free with no advertising. It’s a way for me to share my personal development journey in hopes that it helps others with theirs. If you’ve enjoyed this blog and want to support it, buying my books for yourself or for others is a great way to do that. I’m in the crucial early stage of my book publishing career where finding an audience is so important. Book sales are what convince my publisher (Penguin Random House) to continue the series, so I can make a living as an author.
If you’re still reading this and want to know what my books are about, here’s a quick peek:
ESCAPE FROM GRIMSTONE MANOR – Three friends are trapped overnight in a haunted house amusement park ride and discover the monsters are real.
THE SNATCHER OF RAVEN HOLLOW – Two friends learn that a monster is responsible for the disappearance of babies in their small town, but no one believes them.
TERROR IN SHADOW CANYON – Five hikers lost in a remote wilderness are stalked by a monster.
More info and buy links for these books are at MattMcMann.com.
Thanks so much for allowing me to share the other half of my writing mind with you. Next week I’ll be back with another serving of vegetables. In the meantime, I hope you’ll enjoy the candy as you take another step toward Becoming Yourself.