Developing a Better You

Author: Matt McMann (Page 38 of 97)

Matt McMann writes books for children and the personal development blog Becoming Yourself (

3 Life Lessons from “Love on the Spectrum”

Sometimes it really is love at first sight.

That was the case for me with the Netflix show Love on the Spectrum. In this heartwarming and insightful documentary series, people on the autism spectrum share their journeys to find love. Here are three life lessons from this utterly engaging show:


While I learned much about autism in general, it was through the lens of personal, intimate stories of a wide variety of people. I rooted for kind-hearted Mark, cheered for earnest Michael, and hoped for sweet Chloe. They put names, faces, personalities, and very real emotions to a neurological divergence that I’d previously only known in generalities. My understanding and empathy for people on the spectrum grew significantly. I was reminded that sharing my own story has power to inform others, and that learning real-life stories of people from a different race, religion, political party, or economic class can help me build understanding and empathy with them as well.


One of the consistent characteristics of people on the show was their complete lack of pretense. In both interviews and with their dates, these wonderful people shared openly about their desires, fears, needs, hurts, struggles, and hopes. Their level of honesty and vulnerability was utterly refreshing, and made me wonder if our propensity to hide our feelings is really protecting us as much as we believe. Their candor challenged to be more open about my real feelings with those around me, in a respectful and appropriate way.


As I watched the people on the show, what first stood out were their differences to those of us not on the spectrum—behavior, personality, interests, appearance, manners of speech. As time went on, those differences faded to the background, eclipsed by the important things we all have in common—a desire for happiness, fulfillment, companionship, to know and be known, to love and be loved. While often difficult to see, the things that unite us really do outweigh the things that divide us. I’m trying to remember that truth when I encounter people who see the world differently than I do.

This week, look for opportunities to build understanding and empathy by trading personal stories with people unlike you. In a respectful and appropriate way, be more honest about your true feelings. When interacting with someone who is different in some way, remember to look beneath the surface at what truly unites you. If you do, you’ll help build a better, more empathetic world, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

Embrace Your Elephant: Find Peace with a Pachyderm

Sometimes a piece of art just hits me. While looking for pictures to decorate our apartment, I came across one that made me smile. It was whimsical and playful, yet also thought provoking. Here it is:

Elephant and Dog Meditate at Summer Night by Mike Kiev
(purchase here)

There’s just something about this painting of a dog and an elephant sitting together, gazing over moonlit waters on a summer night, that I absolutely love. I’m a fan of quirky things, nature, and the color blue, so on those levels, this art piece has a lot of appeal to me.

But I also love contemplation. Just sitting and thinking. I have an evening ritual where I sit on our balcony, look at the night sky above a nearby park, and reflect. I meditate on simple things, like what I did that day, and bigger things, like who I am, why I’m here, and what life is all about.

One of the reasons those times are meaningful is that I feel like the dog in the painting. That I’m not alone in my nighttime routine. I sense an invisible Elephant sitting beside me, staring out into the starlit sky. I feel it’s presence surrounding me, comforting me, whispering to me, guiding me. Something bigger, stronger, and wiser, keeping me company and joining me in quiet reflection.

I call my elephant God. You may call it Mother Nature, a cosmic force, or your higher power. You may call it nothing at all and believe that the universe is a purely physical, naturalistic system. My goal is not to argue in favor of a specific definition of a spiritual component to the universe, but I would like to propose this:


Why do I say that? Because I’ve discovered over the course of my life that having Someone bigger, higher, stronger, and wiser than me helps. A lot. It gives me peace. Security. Comfort. Guidance. Companionship. Belonging. Meaning. Love. Joy. Of course, an Elephant is not the only place to find these things, but it is the deepest, truest, and most lasting source of them that I’ve ever found.

I’ve learned that when life is all up to me, I’m not enough. Not to become who I want to be anyway. I need help for that. I’m in no way saying that I think I’m bad or unworthy. Far from it. I believe in and love myself deeply. I have huge respect for the power of the human spirit and what I can accomplish when I set my will to it.

That said, I find the thought that I’m my own highest power is more than a little depressing. I know me. If I’m IT, then I’m in trouble. As wonderful as I am, I know I have weaknesses, flaws, and limitations that will prevent me from being the person I really want to be. From living the life I truly want to live. I need help.

That’s where my Elephant comes in. A Helper. A Guide. A Friend. A Comforter. A Provider. A Protector. A whisper in my spirit that assures me I’m not alone, and that in all the craziness of life, someone much bigger than me has their hands on the wheel. That gives me a lot of comfort and hope.

You may feel that makes me weak. That I’m unwilling to face the cold, cruel reality that we are nothing but a cosmic accident, alone in a mindless, uncaring universe. Perhaps you’re right. Maybe there is nothing more. No-one, certainly not me, can prove the existence of God, a higher power, or whatever a person may call their Elephant. But no-one can disprove the Elephant either. I believe in God because of deeply personal experiences I’ve had and rational arguments I find compelling. Enumerating those is beyond the scope of this post, but if I’m using my belief in an Elephant to achieve a more meaningful, joyful life, then I’m in good company with people a lot smarter than I am. That’s a choice I’m happy to make.

So what about you? Do you have an Elephant? Someone or Something bigger than yourself that you believe in? A higher power that allows you to face life with a hope, peace, and security that can prove elusive when you choose to go it alone?

If you’re intrigued, gaze up at the night sky. Open your mind and heart to God, the Cosmos, Mother Nature, whatever you want to call it. Breathe a prayer. A request for awareness. For ears to hear, eyes to see, a heart to feel. Taste and see. You just may sense an Elephant at your side. If you do, you’ll take a giant leap toward Becoming Yourself.

This post was originally published March 16, 2019.

4 Tips on Quality Living from an Unexpected Place

Great advice can come from unexpected places. 

As I munched the delicious Purely Elizabeth chocolate and sea salt granola my daughter had recommended, I glanced at the back of the package to read the ingredients. To my surprise, I found simple but insightful wisdom on living a quality life:


“Focus on plant-based, nutrient-rich food. Limit inflammatory foods.”

I am not a nutrition aficionado, but even to my limited knowledge, this sounds like sage advice. And when the person promoting this way of life provides delicious snack food that fits the bill, who am I to argue?

2. FOLLOW THE 80 / 20 RULE

“80% of the time, be your healthiest self. 20% of the time, indulge—guilt-free.”

One of my core life principles is balance in all things, so this sentiment resonates with me. It’s in line with one of the tenants of intermittent fasting that my wife and I follow—delay, don’t deny.


“Exercise, stress-management and relationships are equally important.”

Yes, yes and yes. My daily exercise routine, meditation and prayer time, and regularly scheduled time with friends are essential to my whole-life health.


“Live with intention, innovate, evolve, grow and be grateful.”

What a great definition of personal development. Change is a constant. Healthy things grow. Choosing gratitude daily can literally revolutionize your quality of life.

Which of these bits of wisdom stands out to you? Choose one to work on today. Keep your efforts simple and manageable. Let the rewards you experience from one change motivate you to incorporate the next. If you do, you’ll enjoy a more satisfying life, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

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