Developing a Better You

Category: Spirit (Page 22 of 49)

Need a Pick Me Up? Get Back in the Serving Groove

Once you’re knocked out of your groove, it’s hard to get back in.

I’ve volunteered in various capacities for years now. When a local center for people experiencing homelessness was forced to stop scheduling volunteers early in the coronavirus pandemic, I wasn’t able to continue serving lunch there. I looked for other ways to volunteer remotely but nothing seemed like the right fit.

Months went by, and eventually we moved to another state. The busyness of the move and getting settled further delayed my return to volunteering. But once I was fully vaccinated, I knew I was out of excuses. It was time to get back to giving back.

To be honest, it was a struggle. I’d grown accustomed to my new volunteer-less routine. It seemed like such a chore to find someplace new to serve, go through the learning process, and take all that time out of my schedule. But I forced myself to do the research, pick a place, attend the orientation, and show up to serve.

Unsurprisingly, my shifts at a local food bank have quickly reminded me why volunteering is important. The people I meet are literally struggling for their physical survival, something that never even occurs to me in my overly blessed life. My heart broke for the downcast homeless gentleman, the mentally challenged person, the veteran desperate for someone to listen to his stories, and the elderly woman walking slowly with her cane as she struggled to collect food for her nine-person family. These are real people, just like me, deserving of dignity, respect, and help.

But the magic of serving is that the people being served aren’t the only ones who benefit. I’ve rediscovered the joy and gratitude I feel when volunteering for a cause I believe in. Energized, I literally ran through my last shift as the line of people waiting for food in the hot Arizona sun stretched down the sidewalk. I was motivated by their courage, and by the positive attitudes of so many. I returned home tired in the best sense and found myself appreciating my beautiful, privileged life in a whole new way.

So how about you? Are you intentionally serving others? If not, why not start today? A simple internet search of “volunteer opportunities near me” is a great place to begin. I’ve volunteered at a number of places using, which allows you to filter opportunities by location and area of interest. Try helping out at a food bank or a homeless shelter or a school or a church. Maybe your way of serving isn’t through an organization at all, but by mowing an elderly neighbor’s lawn or dropping off cookies or writing encouraging letters to lonely relatives. Find what feels right to you. It may take a few times to find a good fit, but don’t give up. Keep going. Give back. If you do, you’ll feel good while making the world a better place, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

How to Get Back to “Normal”: Be Kind to Yourself

I hate admitting I’m weak.

Now that I am fully vaccinated, I’ve started reintroducing some normal activities that I’d put on pause during the COVID-19 pandemic – eating in restaurants, getting together with vaccinated friends, volunteering, going to the doctor and dentist, etc. It feels wonderful to engage with the world again.

It also feels exhausting. I find myself physically and emotionally drained after coming home from simple activities that I breezed through in the past. I’ve had to face the reality that extended time in isolation has left my “social engagement muscles” weak and atrophied. I’m simply not used to the crowds and stimulation.

After being so eager for so long to do exactly what I’m doing, that’s a hard admission for me. I don’t want to be that way. But I am. Like an athlete coming back from an injury, it’s going to take some time for me to rebuild the stamina that I’ve lost.

I’m working on giving myself time. Grace. Patience. It took awhile to get to this point, and it will take awhile to return from it. But it will come. My strength will return. In the meantime, the best thing I can do is be kind to myself.

So how about you? As the world shifts slowly back toward a degree of normalcy, how are you feeling? How have you changed? Whatever your answer to those questions, it’s okay. This last year has been unlike anything most of us have ever faced. None of us are coming out unscathed. We all need to heal and rebuild our strength in one way or another. Give yourself time and grace. Be kind to yourself and to others, who are likely in the same boat. If you do, you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself. 

3 Metaphors for Healthy Spirituality (Part 5): The Tricycle

As a kid, I had a Big Wheel.

With the aptly named big wheel in front and two smaller wheels in back, I was the king of the driveway. Little did I know that almost fifty years later, my tricycle toy would become a powerful metaphor for healthy spirituality.

Today I’m sharing the third and final metaphor of this series – The Tricycle. The Cosmic Egg gave us a map of reality with My Story, Our Story, and The Story. The Three Boxes showed us how to travel across that map via the Order, Disorder, and Reorder Boxes. The Tricycle metaphor helps us navigate whichever Box we find ourselves in. I extend my appreciation once again to author and teacher Richard Rohr for each of these teaching tools.

Picture a tricycle. The front wheel is Personal Experience. One back wheel is Sacred Stories, and the other, Tradition.


We can define Personal Experience as the summation of our everyday, real-life encounters. Things we see, hear, feel, taste, touch, smell, and do. Interactions with people and our environment. Pleasures we savor. Hardships we endure. Events, actions, and memories we recall with fondness or regret. These are our Personal Experiences.


Sacred Stories are the cherished, revered, perhaps even idolized source materials of spiritual systems. The Quran of Islam. The Talmud of Judaism. The Bible of Christianity. The Vedas of Hinduism. The Tripitaka of Buddhism. The Book of Mormon of The Latter-day Saints. The creation stories of indigenous people groups. These are writings and oral histories from various spiritual perspectives that try to answer some of life’s biggest questions – where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? How should we live?


Let’s define Tradition as the way people attempt to apply Sacred Stories to their lives. Each spiritual system has its own prayers, services, liturgies, rituals, ceremonies, styles of dress, and ways of doing things. Tradition is the history of how past adherents have tried to understand and live out a particular brand of spirituality.


Some spiritual systems emphasize Personal Experience, some Sacred Stories, and others Tradition. The metaphor of The Tricycle teaches that a healthy spirituality embraces them all. Importantly, it places Personal Experience as the front wheel because that is our primary way of understanding the world. Our myriad of experiences are unique to us and incredibly formative, shaping our worldview in profound ways.

As important as Personal Experience is, it’s also crucial to know our place within our Sacred Stories and to learn the lessons they teach. And why we would ignore the hard-won wisdom offered by those who have gone before us through Tradition? Without all three components, our spirituality will be out of balance. We won’t get far on a tricycle that’s missing a wheel.


When I was in my period of deep spiritual struggle (you can read that story here), The Tricycle metaphor gave me the gift of validating my Personal Experience. I recognize that depending too much on my own experiences, without healthy external reference points, can lead me to believe in false realities. But without Personal Experiences in the lead position, other problems arise.

Here’s an example. The evangelical Christian system I’ve been in most of my life places its Sacred Story, the Bible, as the front wheel. And not just the Bible, but that system’s particular interpretation of the Bible. So whenever I had real-life personal experiences that ran counter to the Biblical interpretation my system taught, it caused me a lot of confusion and stress. That’s what led me into the Disorder Box, as I shared in my last post. When I finally rotated the wheels on my spiritual Tricycle, placing Personal Experience at the front, with strong support from Sacred Stories and Tradition in the back, I found my way to a healthier spirituality.


If you’re wondering where my spiritual Tricycle has led me, I’ll share some of my current thinking based on my own experience. I believe that we all come from God‘s love, exist in God’s love, and will be welcomed back to God‘s love when die. I believe that God is in everyone and everything. This allows me to look at all people as my spiritual family, even those of another faith or who claim no faith at all. I can gaze at creation and see, as Saint Francis did, “Sister Moon” and “Brother Sun.” This is not pantheism, a belief that everything is God, but panentheism, a belief that God is in everything.


So how about you? Which wheel is at the front of your spiritual Tricycle? Does a rotation need to be made? Are you out of balance? Is there a wheel missing? Prioritize your Personal Experience. Know your Sacred Stories. Honor your Tradition. Remember The Cosmic Egg. Work through The Three Boxes. Balance the wheels of your Tricycle. If you do, you’ll find your way to a healthy spirituality, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

For more on these ideas, I highly recommend Richard Rohr’s daily email mediations and Another Name For Everything podcast.

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