Developing a Better You

Category: Relationships (Page 6 of 13)

How to Have Healthy Relationships (part 1): Intentionality

It all started with a recent trip to visit my parents in Michigan. With them being in their late seventies and my mom having various health issues, I want to spend as much time with them as I can. I enjoyed hearing my mom share interesting stories from her past. With my dad, a retired teacher with a PhD in philosophy, I had the kind of intellectual discussions about “the big questions of life” that we both enjoy.

One of the things I talked with my dad about was the importance and difficulty of maintaining meaningful relationships through the changing seasons of life. He’s wrestling with that due to being in retirement and caring for my mother. It’s also a pressing issue for me now that I’ve moved away from longtime friends and changed from a group-based music career to the more solitary life of a writer.

When I returned home, I ran into some friends. I was happy to see them together – they’ve been dating seriously for about a year but had experienced some struggles in their relationship lately. I told them that relationships are hard, and even after twenty-seven years of marriage, my wife Lisa and I still have to work at it. They said they wanted to ask us for our “secret” to a healthy, long-term relationship. I said we certainly don’t have all the answers but would be happy to get together and share some thoughts.

Those conversations with my dad and my friends got me thinking about relationships. While that’s a huge topic, my baseline is this – I believe that relationships with self, others, and God are the heart of a meaningful and fulfilling life. Even if the God part isn’t for you, I think most of us would agree that relationships are important, even critical, to our personal development and enjoyment of life.

So how do we nurture and maintain meaningful relationships? Thousands of books have been written trying to answer that question. For the purpose of this post, I’ll just touch on one idea. For me, a key factor in successful relationships is intentionality.

What is intentionality? It’s effort expended for a specific purpose. Intentionality is action toward a predetermined goal. Simply put, if your desire is for meaningful relationships, you’re going to have to work at it. You won’t drift into them any more than your closet, desk, or garage will drift into neat organization. Life doesn’t work that way.

When my son Kilian moved to Sacramento after college, he didn’t have many friends in the area. He chose to be intentional about developing relationships by going to nearby events – rock climbing trips, board game and trivia nights, Game of Thrones watching parties. Through those efforts, he’s made some great friends. It never would have happened without him being intentional.

As I look back on my own life, one of the most helpful intentional actions I’ve taken for relationship building is automation. It’s simply setting up a recurring pattern of interaction with people like I schedule auto payments for important bills. For ten years, I’ve had a standing Thursday noon lunch appointment with my great friend Ty. Having that understanding between us eliminates the well-intentioned but often useless “this was great, we should do it again soon” factor from the equation. Life is busy. The important gets sidelined by the urgent. Because of that, even now that I’ve moved out of state, Ty and I still “meet” every Thursday at noon via FaceTime. There are some weeks when it doesn’t work out, but by intentionally planning a connection for every seven days, we stay consistent.

So what would applying intentionality look like in your relationships? Are you in a season where you need to find new friendships? Have you drifted apart from someone and need to reconnect? Maybe some of your current relationships need some attention. Whether the relationships that come to mind are with yourself, others, or God, the concept is the same. If you want to have meaningful, life-giving relationships, focus your efforts. Come up with a plan. Do the work. Expend the energy. Make the call. Send the text. Automate the connection. Be intentional. If you do, you’ll take another great step toward Becoming Yourself.

This post was originally published February 10, 2019.

Vive la Différence: Supercharge Your Personal Growth by Widening Your Circle of Friends

It started with my wife Lisa and I heading out for a walk. In the lobby of our apartment building, we noticed a woman we’d never met before and introduced ourselves. Her name was Helen. We began chatting and found her delightful. She had moved into the building by herself a few months earlier and didn’t know many people. We exchanged contact info, and Lisa encouraged Helen to reach out to us anytime.

Later that evening, I got an email from Helen inviting us to lunch. We happily accepted, and a few days later we enjoyed a meal together in a local restaurant. Over the course of several hours, we had a fascinating, wide-ranging discussion about careers, life experiences, religion, politics, children, food, and travel.

We learned that Helen is an amazing person with a powerful life story. She was born into a Jewish family in Poland the day before Hitler invaded and spent her early years in a Siberian labor camp. She endured incredible hardships in various countries before immigrating to the United States as a teenager. Helen speaks several languages, has a dry sense of humor, converses articulately on a wide range of subjects, and, at age seventy-nine, is probably in better shape than I am.

As I reflected back on our interaction with Helen, I realized it was much more than just an engaging lunch. As a person committed to becoming the best version of myself, spending time with people who have different backgrounds and perspectives than my own is vital. While having friends who are of a similar age and season of life is wonderful and important, I’m sharpened and stretched in different ways when I expand my circle of relationships to include people who are not just like me.

We are put on this planet only once and to limit ourselves to the familiar is a crime against our minds.

Roger Ebert

Helen and I are very different people. We have differences in upbringing, culture, language, gender, generation, spiritual perspective, and life experiences. But through spending time with her, I found that my thinking about life, myself, and the world around me was enriched, broadened, and wonderfully challenged. And along the way, we found common ground in our love of music, Japanese cuisine, politics, long walks, and our search for meaning and purpose in life. I’m a better person for being able to call Helen my friend.

So how about you? Do you have people in your life who see things differently? Do you seek them out? Are you exposing yourself to new ideas and perspectives? If you only surround yourself with people who look, think, and act like you, your growth will be significantly limited.

When you are around people whose stories aren’t similar to yours, do you merely tolerate their varied perspectives or do you genuinely try to understand them? Are you open to seeing what you can learn? Being strong in your views is not a bad thing, but it can unintentionally lead to arrogant, dismissive, or demeaning attitudes and behavior. It’s a trap I’ve fallen into before, one that I regularly have to remind myself to avoid. I don’t think I’m alone in that struggle.

So if you’re committed to personal growth, if you want to become a better version of yourself, I challenge you to seek out people with different perspectives. Invite them for lunch or coffee. Ask open ended questions and then truly listen. See what you can learn. Be open to having your opinions changed. Share your own thoughts with humility and respect. If you do, you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

This post was originally published Jan 19, 2019.

What I Learned from (Almost) Passing Out in a Hair Salon

It was mostly my own stupidity plus a little bad luck.

Last week, I had scheduled plenty of time to go home after my 11:45 am blood donation to eat a meal before my 3:00 pm haircut. Both locations are just down the street from my Sacramento apartment and easily walkable. I’d donate blood, stop home to eat and rest, then head to my haircut. No problem.

Things didn’t work out that way. When I arrived to donate, the nurse asked if I would be willing to do a double donation, simultaneously giving both platelets and plasma. She said it would take about 90 minutes. As that would still give me plenty of time before my haircut, I agreed. But the blood donation center was implementing a new software system which slowed down the check in process. Then once I had been in the chair for about 15 minutes, my left arm stopped cooperating causing an issue with the blood draw. The nurse said she’d need to switch to my right arm and start the process over again.

By the time I was actually finished donating, it was 2:30 pm. With the required 15 minute recovery period in the waiting area, I no longer had time to get a meal before my 3:00 pm haircut. I knew it wasn’t ideal, but I loaded up on the available free snacks to get me through until I got home.

As the haircut began, I started feeling a little unwell. No big deal, I thought, I’ll just gut it out. Then I began to sweat. A lot. Hair clippings were sticking to my face. I became lightheaded and nauseous. It was at that moment I realized I was in trouble. The affects of the double donation and lack of food had hit me hard, but my options seemed limited. How do you stop in the middle of a haircut? I let the stylist know what was happening and asked her to go as fast as she could.

The staff at the salon was awesome. While my stylist kicked it into overdrive, other people brought me some water and mini candy canes from the front counter. I chewed them, desperately trying to get some sugar into my system. Then my vision started to go. I could only make out blurry patches of light through the blackness as I struggled to stay upright in the chair. They offered to call 911 as my stylist finished, but I said I just needed to lie down. Two staff members helped me out of the chair and over to a nearby bench. Still unable to see clearly, I used voice command on my phone to call my wife Lisa to come and help me walk the half a block home.

My stylist stayed with me while a different staff person brought some chocolate covered pretzels from the break room. It was like handing someone dying of thirst a glass of ice water. I inhaled the whole bag. Slowly my vision came back, and with an incredible sense of relief, I felt a semblance of normalcy return. My wife arrived a few minutes later, paid the bill (including a generous tip), and after I’d offered my sincerest expressions of gratitude to all, she helped me home.

As I think back on that experience, I find myself feeling extremely grateful. Not for the sickness, or the sense of being trapped, or the embarrassment, but for the incredible generosity and kindness of a group of strangers. So often today, we hear how divided we all are, how people are selfish or mean-spirited. But that wasn’t what I saw that day. These people rallied around me, cared for me, and in no way made me feel ashamed for inconveniencing them or for making the very poor decision to not reschedule my appointment. That encounter strengthened my belief in basic human goodness.

I also realized how much I like to think of myself as independent and self-sufficient, able to handle most things on my own. That experience humbled me and reminded me that there are times in life when I really need to rely on people. That I can’t make it on my own. That on this crazy journey we call life, I need help from others just like they need help from me.

So as you go through your day, remember that sometimes you’re going to need help. It might be the physical variety, like getting sick in a hair salon. It might be emotional support, like needing a hug or someone to talk to. It could be mental assistance, like getting advice on a difficult decision. Or it could be spiritual aid, like trying to find a deeper sense of meaning or identity. Whatever type of help you need, reach out for it. Embrace it. Be grateful for it. Allow others to experience the gift of being needed. Return the favor. And be encouraged by the basic goodness of others. If you do, you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

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