Becoming Yourself

Developing a Better You

Page 19 of 97

A Counterintuitive Path to Happiness—Embrace Suffering

I’ve always been fearful.

Along with my childhood fear of our creepy basement and my perfectly rational fear of sharks, a constant nemesis has been my fear of suffering. I hate it. I usually try to avoid it as much as possible and end it as quickly as I can.

But what if suffering is not only unavoidable but necessary for my happiness? 

The tendency to run away from suffering is there in every one of us. We think that by seeking pleasure we’ll avoid suffering. But this doesn’t work. It stunts our growth and our happiness. Happiness isn’t possible without understanding, compassion, and love. And love is not possible if we don’t understand our suffering and the other person’s suffering.

Getting in touch with suffering will help us cultivate compassion and love. Without understanding and love we can’t be happy, and we can’t make other people happy. We all have the seeds of compassion, forgiveness, joy, and nonfear in us. If we’re constantly trying to avoid suffering, there is no way for these seeds to grow.

Thich Nhat Hanh, Your True Home: The Everyday Wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh

I was raised in the Christian tradition. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to include wisdom from other faiths into my beliefs, along with insight from non-faith-based worldviews. It has expanded, strengthened, and clarified my perspective, while showing me that many traditions say similar things in different ways. 

The above quote by master Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh is one of those insights shared across wisdom traditions—a life dedicated to the avoidance of personal suffering will not lead to happiness. Happiness is a by-product of a life well lived, including meaningful work and helping to alleviate the suffering of others.

This doesn’t mean we should seek suffering. Suffering has a way of finding us without our help. Ending our unnecessary or self-induced suffering is a worthy endeavor. But a life committed to avoiding suffering is doomed to produce anxiety not peace, fear not contentment, emptiness not meaning, sadness not hope. Consider our relationships, physical health, and careers—if we avoid hard conversations, uncomfortable workouts, and studying or practicing for our profession, the results will be disastrous and not produce the happiness we’re looking for.

So find your passion. Help others. Live with purpose. Face the suffering that your intentional living brings. You’ll experience greater peace, contentment, and joy, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself. 

Text excerpt from Your True Home: The Everyday Wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh by Thich Nhat Hanh, p 81, compiled and edited by Melvin McLeod, Shambhala Publications 2011

A Reflection on Vegetables and Candy

And now for something completely different.

This week, I’m pausing my personal development focus to update you on another part of my writing life. THE BEAST OF SKULL ROCK, book four in my spooky monster mystery series MONSTERIOUS (Penguin Random House), just published. MONSTERIOUS books are short, can be read in any order, and are great for fans of Goosebumps, Stranger Things, or Five Nights at Freddy’s. While geared for ages 8 to 12, they are a fun read for anyone who enjoys a fast-pasted thriller with lots of action, humor, and heart. THE BEAST OF SKULL ROCK is about twelve-year-old twins who try to save their grandfather’s spooky museum from a rampaging werehyena. 

If you only know my personal development writing, the topics of my published books may seem strange. I think of the distinct parts of my writing life like vegetables and candy. I love to eat both. This personal development blog is my “writing vegetables”, while my published books are my “writing candy.” Both are a part of who I am.

This blog has always been free, and I’d like to keep it that way. If you find Becoming Yourself helpful, one way you can support me and this blog is to buy my books for yourself or a spooky story lover in your life. Your support would mean so much to me! All four current books in the MONSTERIOUS series are available in hardcover, paperback, audio, and e-book wherever books are sold. For more info and buy links, visit my website

My author wife Lisa McMann and I are heading out on a national tour in Feb & March 2024. If we’re coming to your area, I would LOVE to meet you! Check the graphic above for dates and locations. You can find more info here.

Thanks much for your time on this diversion. I’ll be back next week with a personal development post. I appreciate you sharing the road with me as you work toward Becoming Yourself.

How to Be Happy

After twenty-six years, I was tired.

Being a professional musician was my dream. My focus. My passion. I’d fought, scratched, and clawed to make a living doing something I craved. Something I believed in. I loved it.

Until I didn’t. The passion faded, and I found myself going through the motions. I still had the skill, but I’d lost the heart. So I made one of the toughest decisions of my life. After thousands of performances, I walked off the stage for the last time.

Being an author was something I’d dreamed about since I was a kid but never pursued. When I chose the music path, I left the writing path behind me. 

But decades later, life led me back to that fork in the road. Walking away from music gave me the opportunity to walk toward writing. Tentatively, fearfully, I took my first halting steps toward my long-delayed author dream. It was hard. It was scary. It was daunting.

And I was alive again. It filled my thoughts, made me bound out of bed, and lit my heart on fire. The passion that once fueled my music career burned bright for my new creative pursuit. I went from a high level in my first career to the bottom rung of my second. And I was happy.

If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.

andrew carnegie

Are you happy? Fulfilled? Do you have passion? Excitement? If not, follow Carnegie’s advice. Set a goal that commands your thoughts. Liberates your energy. Inspires your hopes. If you do, you’ll feel alive again, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

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