Becoming Yourself

Developing a Better You

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3 Things I Learned About “Real Life” on a Writing Retreat

“Is this the real life?”

Queen started one of the greatest rock songs of all time, Bohemian Rhapsody, with this surprisingly deep question, one I’ve been pondering lately. 

My wife and I are on a two-week writing retreat. In a stark change from our small urban condo, we’re in a house in a pine forest with rolling hills. We take long walks in the beautiful neighborhood each morning before settling down to write.

Life feels much simpler here. A big day is having to drive to the local village for groceries. I’m still working a lot, but I feel more relaxed, more focused. I’m tempted to call this an escape, a wonderful pause before returning to “real life.”

But what is “real life”? Is it the harried pace, full calendar, loud, busy thing I often create for myself? While that may be the norm, is it the goal? Is that how I’m meant to live? Is that who I’m meant to be? Or is this time in the forest much closer to the “real life” I was designed for? 

Hear me clearly. I temper my optimistic bent with a strong dose of realism. Life has different seasons with different responsibilities. Raising kids and demanding jobs dominate the first half of life for many of us. Things like household projects, paying bills, doctor visits, car maintenance, helping family and friends never really go away.

Lisa and I are in our mid-fifties. Running our author business is still challenging and demanding, but we’re empty nesters with flexible schedules. We’ve made it through the busier first half of life. Your season and situation may be very different. 

That said, I think the forest has something to teach us all, regardless of what season we’re in. Here are some lessons I hear whispered by the pines:

1. Do less

Does your child really need to be in one more activity? Do you need to take on yet another obligation? Is accepting that more demanding promotion at work going to lead to more fulfillment? Is it worth the impact on your family? On your peace of mind? Say no more often. Guard your schedule. Build in margin

2. Move slower

I’ve spent more than three decades learning how to move faster, get more done, be more efficient, multitask. Now I’m learning the counterintuitive power of a slower pace, one that is not only more enjoyable, but more productive. Try a more measured, focused pace for a few days. You may be amazed at the results. (For some practical tips, click here).

3. Think deeper

It’s easy to stay on the surface of our minds—our daily tasks, dinner plans, watching TV, skimming social media. While those are good and important things, it’s like only talking with your friends about sports and the weather. They’re fine conversations, but relationships are much more fulfilling when you also share deeply, are honest about your struggles, talk vulnerably about your dreams. It’s the same with our thoughts. You’ll have a richer and more satisfying life if you also ponder who you are, who you want to become, what life is really about. Doing less and moving slower provide the time and space for those kinds of nourishing thoughts

So how’s your schedule? Your pace of life? The depth of your thoughts? Do less. Move slower. Think deeper. If you do, you’ll move closer to the real life you crave, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

A Birthday Reflection: 3 Reasons Life is Good

I’m getting old. 

Now that I’m fifty-four, there’s no denying that I’ve become what my younger self considered “really old.” Mid-fifties? That was ancient. 

Perspective changes with time. I do not feel old. Am I a little slower? Tire more easily? Have a few new aches and pains? Sure. But this season is pretty amazing, and I wouldn’t go back to my younger days. 

I reflected on why I feel energized and hopeful lately, and here’s what I came up with:


My wife Lisa and I just celebrated our 32nd anniversary. She’s my best friend, and I’m looking forward to however many more years we have together. I’m having a blast interacting with my adult kids, who are married to great partners and established in careers they love. I have long-time friends that I see regularly, and my relationship with God is ever evolving.

It hasn’t been easy. Marriage is hard. Raising kids is hard. Nurturing friendships is hard. Relating to God is hard. But the years of effort we’ve all put in together is bearing a lot of fruit and has been totally worth it. 


Starting a new career in my fifties was daunting, especially in the highly competitive and uncertain field of novel writing. I spent far too long dragging my feet. Coming up with excuses. Rationalizing away my dream.

Until I didn’t. With a helpful push from my wife, I finally jumped in, and after long years of effort, my first two books are on shelves. I just completed my first book tour and have two more books coming out in the next seven months. While challenging, being an author feels fresh, energizing, and life-giving.


Personal development is something I’ve pursued for as long as I can remember. Sometimes it’s lead me down harmful alleys as I got too obsessed with a routine or exaggerated my own self importance. I often clung to old habits when life seasons changed and resisted embracing new patterns. 

But I’ve kept trying, kept learning, kept growing. It has served me well. Physically, I could lose some weight, but I’m happy with with my mobility and energy level thanks to my daily stretching and workout routine. I sometimes struggle with anxiety, but I’m usually upbeat and at peace thanks to daily mediation and prayer. Taking a day off each week to do things I enjoy does wonders for my perspective and positivity.

Do you feel invigorated, energized, and passionate about your life or would tired, flat, and bored be more accurate descriptors? Be honest with yourself. Invest in important relationships. Pursue your passions. Develop and maintain healthy habits. If you do, you’ll discover a renewed life, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself. 

Feeling Jumbled? Try Organizing Something

It had bugged me for months.

My wife and I have limited space in our small condo. We’re both book lovers, so our bookshelf was overflowing, and our novel floor stacks were a disorganized mess. We only have one closet for all our clothes, luggage, personal items, and supplies to run our author business. Over time, things had become jumbled and hard to find.

I’d finally had enough. I emptied our supply cupboards, tossed unneeded items, added a shelf, and put things back in a more logical way. We went through our clothes and culled our book collection. I arranged the remaining books by category, then hauled five full garbage bags to Goodwill.

With our reorganized closet and book collection, not only are things easier to find and more visually pleasing, but I feel lighter, more relaxed. My mind seems clearer, and my thoughts more organized. I’m reminded how much my inner state is affected by my outer one. When my surroundings are cluttered and chaotic, my mind and heart often follow suit.

The correlation is even greater with my schedule. When my days and nights are packed with events, meetings, and obligations, my inner world is muddled, like silt stirred in a pond. My recent sixteen-day book tour was an endless stream of people, places, and presentations, leaving me emotionally and mentally exhausted. Now, after some days off and clearing my schedule, my equilibrium has returned.

Are you feeling jumbled these days? Are the waters of your mind and heart muddied? Try organizing something. A drawer. A closet. Your digital or physical desktop. A shelf. A room. Prioritize your schedule. Build in margin. Say no to things. If you do, the clear waters will soon return, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

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