Becoming Yourself

Developing a Better You

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Surviving Stress: Three Essential Life-Hacks

My good friend Danielle Thorp, who goes by her nickname, “Happy”, is a very talented freelance writer, editor, and personal development blogger. I asked her if she’d be willing to write a guest post for Becoming Yourself, and she graciously agreed. I’m so glad to share her insight with you today. If you or someone you know needs editing or writing services, I highly recommend Happy. Her contact info is at the end of this post. Enjoy!

As Matt pointed out in his last post, it’s been quite a year. And yes, it’s only July.

The strict lock-downs in New York City due to COVID-19 have had me living in relative isolation in a tiny studio apartment in Brooklyn since the second week of March. Losing my job at the beginning of May abruptly stole a great deal of built-in structure and meaning. An uptick in crime in a nearby neighborhood made venturing out feel a bit unnerving during the first half of June. More than once, falling into complete despair has become seriously tempting. 

But while I may or may not have occasionally crawled into bed at 3pm with a bottle of wine and a bag of potato chips to watch entirely too many movies on Hallmark Now, years of leaning into personal development practices – in both good times and bad – have taught me how indispensable self-care is during seasons like this. 

Here are three of the practices that I’ve found most helpful recently.


In an early episode of her podcast, Unlocking Us, Brené Brown shared 7 words that have become something of a mantra for me this year: “Move your body; it’s where anxiety lives.”

We know this intuitively; when we’re stressed, our shoulders become tense, we clench our jaws, we find ourselves tapping our fingers or a foot. Stress can have a profound impact not just on our moods, but on our behaviors (choices) and our physical bodies (including our immune systems). A quick internet search turns up not just a wealth of information on the symptoms of stress, but also a key and proven way to mitigate the anxiety that accompanies stress: movement.

Extensive research also shows that time in nature has a positive impact on reducing the symptoms of stress and anxiety. So, I make it a point to get out for a walk as often as possible – at least once a day, if not more often. It’s not always safe to go to a park, due to overcrowding – it’s hard to stay 6 feet away from others in a crowd! – but even a walk around the block to enjoy my neighbors’ flower gardens can help me calm down when I’m anxious. And on rainy days when I can’t get outside, I water my plants and try to do some simple yoga/stretches.


In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal on The Healing Power of Proper Breathing, author James Nestor jokes, “Breathing is not an activity that anyone is feeling confident about right now.”

There’s some truth to that – most of us are currently living with a healthy respect for an airborne virus – so breathing deeply (especially through a mask!) may not feel like the most natural solution to our problems. But not breathing deeply can actually increase feelings of stress and anxiety.

Last fall, I experienced a series of panic attacks that came seemingly out of nowhere. In retrospect, they were likely related to unprocessed grief and a lot of change – but one of the symptoms that manifested in those moments was feeling like I couldn’t breathe. Two very wise friends who had experience navigating panic taught me some breathing patterns and what they knew about the science behind why they work to induce calm. It helped immensely. 

Similar experiences of panic have asserted themselves periodically over the past few weeks, which isn’t all that surprising. While what I’ve already discovered has been useful, I’m still learning as much as I can about the ways that breathing impacts our health. In fact, James Nestor’s latest book, Breath, is literally changing the way I breathe on a daily basis – and I’m also experimenting with a variety of techniques. (Here are four that I plan to try).


Meditation and mindfulness are all the rage these days, but can I tell you a secret? I’m really bad at it. Sitting still to clear my mind in order to find out what’s in it takes a lot more time and effort than I’m usually able or willing to put into it on a good day, and with the added stresses of a global pandemic and unemployment, it’s just not happening. I can barely stay focused on a podcast I’m interested in without my mind wandering, much less sit still for fifteen minutes trying not to think. (Breathing techniques definitely help with this to some extent, but I’m a long way from being able to just sit still and breathe for long periods of time.)

That said, there are variations on meditation and mindfulness that do work for me. I learn a lot about myself by writing. It’s part of why I started a blog over a decade ago, and why I carry on long chains of email correspondence with friends and mentors who ask thoughtful and insightful questions that I don’t always think to ask myself. 

Paying attention to the things I’ve learned and articulating them helps them stick. Journaling is a great way to process things, too; I personally just find telling someone else what I’ve learned to be more helpful, because it adds a level of accountability to do something about it that journaling simply doesn’t.

Listening to podcasts and reading books that challenge me to think about life in different ways is another gateway to meditation and mindfulness that works well for me. I’m addicted to stories; good storytellers have an artful way of communicating truth in personal ways. For example, Madeleine L’Engle’s A Ring of Endless Light was my first introduction to processing grief; I was in upper elementary school at the time. I still read that book almost once a year, and learn new things from it every time – not because the story has changed, but because I have.

I think we all have a lot to learn during this particular time in history: about ourselves, about the world we’ve participated in building, and about what it will take to fix the systemic flaws in our social, economic, and political structures.  Perhaps the slower pace at which everything is moving by necessity will give us a gift that we often take for granted: time – to dig deep, to find out what needs to change in our lives in order for us to become the people we need to be to create a better world. (Side note: remember to practice self-compassion when you come across those things – change takes time, and that’s okay.)

What is one stride you can take today toward the future? Is it going for a walk, reading a book, calling a friend, learning to breathe? Decide what you can do today to care for yourself during stressful times, and you’ll be one step closer to Becoming Yourself.

Happy is a writer and copy editor, living in Brooklyn, NY. She writes about faith and happiness (among other things) at Simple Felicity, and is currently taking on freelance copy editing projects while looking for full time work. You can find her through her websiteInstagramFacebook, and Twitter. Sign up for her monthly newsletter, Happy Things, for exclusive content and updates.

Drowning in the Sea of Bad News? Here’s a Lifeline

A global pandemic. Financial insecurity. Social isolation. A tattered economy. Racial injustice. Broken social systems. Loved ones suffering. And it’s only July. We still have six more months before 2020 releases us from its tumultuous grip, and – spoiler alert – 2021 is making no promises. It’s no wonder so many of us feel pummeled by the onslaught of stress and bad news, overwhelmed to the point of drowning.

I want to offer you a lifeline. A practice I discovered about a year ago has been an incredible gift, helping me to survive, and even thrive, in these trying times. It’s called benevolent detachment. This is about letting go. It involves caring and engaging with the suffering of the world to a certain point, then releasing that burden.

Benevolent detachment is NOT:

1. Ignoring other people’s pain

2. Closing yourself off emotionally

3. Being selfish or narcissistic 

Benevolent detachment IS:

1. Recognizing that you have mental and emotional limits 

2. Doing your part to alleviate suffering within those limits

3. Letting go of your worry about people and situations, trusting others and a higher power to do what you cannot

This practice allows me to care about and help others in a manageable, sustainable way. It helps me sleep at night. It helps me get other things done. It helps me still feel joy, even in difficult seasons.

I learned about benevolent detachment from author John Eldredge. He writes this:

Mature adults have learned how to create healthy distance between themselves and the thing they have become entangled with. Thus the word ‘detachment.’ It means getting untangled, stepping out of the quagmire; it means peeling apart the Velcro by which this person, relationship, crisis, or global issue has attached itself to you. Or you to it. Detachment means getting some healthy distance. Social media overloads our empathy. So I use the word ‘benevolent’ in referring to this necessary kind of detachment because we’re not talking about cynicism or resignation. Benevolent means kindness. It means something done in love. Jesus invites us into a way of living where we are genuinely comfortable turning things over to him.

John eldredge, Get Your Life Back – Everyday Practices for a World Gone Mad

You may be suspect of this approach, feeling it’s an abdication of our responsibility to help others. I assure you it is not. Each of us should do our part to alleviate pain in this world. But bearing one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2 in the Bible) does not mean being buried by them. Being demoralized is not a virtue. Neither is being traumatized, so affected by the world’s suffering that it hinders us from really living. From fulfilling our other responsibilities. From experiencing joy. Even Jesus did not heal everyone and often turned away from the needy, clamoring crowds to rest (Mark 1:29-39 in the Bible).

So how do you practice benevolent detachment? To avoid the danger of using this tool to ignore our shared responsibility to help others, first find and commit to doing your part to ease suffering. I wrote about how to do that here and here. Once that’s in place, here are a few simple steps to benevolent detachment:

  1. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths
  2. Ask yourself what specific person or situation is causing your worry or stress. Is it a sick friend? Your finances? Racial injustice? Your child? Contracting coronavirus? Your job?
  3. Visualize yourself holding the object of your anxiety in your hands, feel the weight of it
  4. Gently, lovingly, open your hands and let it go. Try picturing yourself setting it down, or dropping it, or placing it in the lap of your higher power.

Benevolent detachment is really simple in concept, but it’s a skill to be learned through repetition. The stress of the world latches on to us like Velcro and doesn’t release easily. If you’re intrigued by the possibilities, if you see in this a glimmer of hope for long-sought relief, I highly encourage you to check out some of these resources from John Eldredge. He approaches this practice from a Christian perspective, but people from all faiths or no faith can benefit from applying it in their own context:

FREE PHONE APP:  One Minute Pause (Ransomed Heart) – Accompanied by calming music and beautiful images, John guides you through benevolent detachment, allowing you to choose 1, 3, 5, or 10 minute exercises. There’s also an excerpt on benevolent detachment from his book Get Your Life Back. I’ve found this app very helpful when I’m struggling to apply this practice (available in the wherever you get apps).

PODCAST:  Benevolent Detachment (John Eldredge and Wild at Heart) – John and his wife Stasi discuss this practice in detail with practical examples of how to apply it to your life (available wherever you listen to podcasts).

BOOK:  Get Your Life Back – John lays out a number of clear, manageable spiritual practices to deal with the stress of life, including benevolent detachment (available wherever you buy books).

So how about you? Could you use some relief? Are you struggling beneath emotional weight you were never meant to carry? Would you like some help setting that boulder down? Then explore benevolent detachment. It will help you care for yourself as you care for the world. And you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.


Three People We All Need in Our Lives

I heard the panic in my son’s voice. Water from a burst pipe was rapidly flooding his bathroom and he didn’t know what to do. Trying to stay calm on the phone, I guided him to the shutoff valve behind the toilet. It was jammed. While my wife did an online speed search for a plumber, I directed him to stuff towels in the doorway then head outside in search of the main water shutoff to the house. After a few excruciating minutes, he managed to stop the gushing.

Once we all took a moment to recover, my son said he was really glad I answered his call and knew what to do. I told him that in twenty-five years of home ownership, I’ve had my share of plumbing crises and had learned from painful experience.

Unexpected calamity is a part of life. Things are going along smoothly, then WHAM! Life smacks us in the head. I recently got an email from a friend who learned her husband’s brain cancer had returned. Another friend with young kids has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Yet another is dealing with a wayward teenage child. I’m sure you could fill in your own story. In those moments, it’s really good to have someone to call for help, advice, and support.

That reminds me of three people from Christian history. Paul, author of much of the Bible’s New Testament and a principle founder of the Church, was considered a wise elder. Barnabas, whose name means “son of encouragement,” was known as a supportive friend. Timothy was trained by Paul and characterized as a promising young leader.

From those historical figures was derived the idea that we all need a Paul, a Barnabas, and a Timothy in our lives. Someone to mentor us, someone to support us, and someone we’re building into. My dad and my friend Susan are “Pauls” in my life. My wife Lisa and friend Ty are key members of my “Barnabas” group. And along with attempting to mentor my kids and a few others, the main reason I write this blog is to pass on some of my hard-won life lessons to any “Timothys” out there.

So how about you? Do you have a Paul in your life to call when unexpected crises hit? Do you have a Barnabas who can encourage you and walk with you during those seasons of struggle? And are you available for a Timothy when their life goes sideways? If you have these three people in place, be grateful. If not, be on the lookout. You’ll be glad you did, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.


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