Becoming Yourself

Developing a Better You

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One Simple Choice for Joy and Contentment

Choose Your Attitude: BenchI was sitting on a bench at Denison College in Ohio when it happened. I had just finished my run and was waiting to walk my daughter to her play rehearsal when a loud, cheery voice called out, “Good morning! How are you?” Startled, I looked up and saw a groundskeeper in an orange vest, trash stick in hand. He was staring right at me with a big smile on his face. From the articulation of his words and some of his facial features, I realized that he was a person with an intellectual disability. I stumbled out what I hope was an appropriate response and he moved on.

Choose Your Attitude: SmileAs I sat on the bench and reflected on that encounter, I started asking myself some hard questions: Why aren’t I more like that? More unabashedly friendly? Why am I not that happy? If he’s the one with a disability, why is his outlook on life so positive?

Then I wondered what that groundskeeper would think if he could see inside my head. Maybe he would look at me with pity because he’d recognize how stressed I was, how I worried about the future and what other people thought of me. Maybe he would see that my perspective was bent or pick up on how slow I am to see the beauty in the small things around me. Maybe he would feel sorry for me and keep trying to brighten my day.

Choose Your Attitude: UmbrellaIn that moment, I was reminded of how big an impact the attitude I choose has on my happiness. The way I decide to look at life, regardless of my circumstances, will largely determine my enjoyment of it. I’ve seen it clearly in others – some people with health, wealth, friends, and family who are stressed and bitter while others dealing with illness, poverty, and loss shine with joy and hope.

Choose Your Attitude: Choose GoodI’m not advocating denying our pain and struggles. Some of us face incredible hardships or are in a season of spirit-crushing trials. Neither “put on a happy face” or “don’t worry, be happy” is a magic elixir for contentment. But, no matter what our circumstances, we do have the ability to chose our attitude. The power to see our difficulties as insurmountable joy-killers or real opportunities for personal growth is ours to wield.

Choose Your Attitude: HopeWe all have challenges in life that threaten our experience of joy, things that will either make us bitter or make us better. The attitude we choose to take toward these challenges will greatly determine if we feel stressed and defeated or peaceful and hopeful. Choose well today. Be grateful. Notice beauty. Show kindness. If you do, you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

3 Simple Steps to New Year’s Resolution Success

For many of us, the start of a New Year is a time to focus on improving ourselves. We work on becoming more of the kind of person we really want to be. I’m a big fan of that tradition. That’s the focus of this blog – becoming your True Self by developing a better you – so I hope this space will help you on your way all year long.

That said, standard New Year’s resolutions have a pretty high crash and burn rate. Why is that? When our intentions are so good, why do we struggle to follow through with meaningful, lasting change? As you make your New Year’s resolutions, here are 3 simple steps to consider that will really up your odds of success:

New Year's Resolutions: PassionSTEP 1: PICK YOUR PASSION – Make sure the change you’re considering is truly something you’re passionate about. It’s easy to fall into the “I should make this change” trap. “I should read more / exercise / loose weight / go to church,” etc. All of those things are great but if your motivation for doing them is really outside pressure then your likelihood of following through is low. Choose a goal about which you can honestly say “I want to make this change.” The odds of you sticking with it when the going gets tough is much higher.

New Year's Resolutions: FocusSTEP 2: FIND YOUR FOCUS – As admirable as it may be to say “I’m going to loose weight, volunteer at a charity, clean and organize my house, get out of debt, take up painting and end world hunger this year!”, it’s probably not going to happen. The best way to lasting, positive change is to pick just one or two areas that you really want to focus on. If you knock them out early and have the motivation for additional goals later in the year, awesome! You can always add them then.

STEP 3: SET YOUR STRATEGY – Achieving a meaningful goal, even one that you’re passionate about and focused on, can still be a daunting challenge. One great way to make it less overwhelming is to break it into small steps. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Now that you’ve identified your elephant with steps 1 and 2, take a few minutes to make your bite plan. Start with the simple parts (the tail) and let the celebration of those small victories feed your motivation to tackle slightly bigger bites (the legs). By the time you reach the big sections (the body), you’ll be rolling with confidence!

Here’s an example of how I’m applying these steps in my life this year:

New Year's Resolutions: PassionSTEP 1:  PICKING MY PASSION – An issue I’ve been passionate about for many years is homelessness. There’s a lot of worthy causes out there but for some reason this one has consistently hit my heart. I want to do something this year to help people who are homeless. I’ve chosen a clear passion.

New Year's Resolutions: FocusSTEP 2:  FINDING MY FOCUS – This one is tough for me because I like to work on improving a lot of different aspects of my life simultaneously. But, along with some “next step” goals from things I focused on last year (getting an agent for my recently finished first novel and continuing to conquer my inner pack rat by decluttering), I’m choosing to concentrate on finding a way to help those struggling with homelessness in my new part-time city of Sacramento (my wife Lisa and I are doing a one year experiment this year of living part-time at our house in Mesa, AZ and part-time in an apartment in Sacramento, CA near our son).

New Year's Resolutions: StrategySTEP 3:  SETTING MY STRATEGY – Homelessness is a big problem in Sacramento. I see people without a place to live virtually everyday. I often feel so unequipped to make any significant difference in such an elephant of a cause. Here’s how I’m attempting to break my goal down into manageable bites:

A. BE AWARE – I’m starting with forcing myself to be aware. It’s so easy to walk through the city and turn a blind eye to the homeless. Seeing other people suffer is painful and can make me feel guilty for what I have so for me, this is a good first small bite.

B. SHOW RESPECT – I’ve realized that part of the pain that homeless people feel is the judgement and lack of respect they get from others. So my next bite is choosing to look them in the eye and smile or say hello. It seems like such a small thing but more than once, I’ve noticed how surprised a homeless person is to receive such a simple act of respect.

C. ENGAGE – I’ve started looking for signs that a homeless person is open to a more significant exchange. A few weeks ago, I was jogging in a park when a young homeless man asked me a question. I stopped and answered him. Then I sat on the bench beside him, asked him a few questions about his life and we had a great conversation. A few days ago, my wife Lisa and I were on a walk looking for a landmark but couldn’t find it. I noticed a homeless woman sitting nearby so I asked her if she knew where it was. Lisa and I bantered with the woman for a few minutes and joked around. We were careful to talk with her exactly like we would talk with anyone else we had just met. I could hear in the woman’s voice and see on her face her surprise that we were engaging with her in a normal way vs. pretending that she wasn’t there or looking down on her.

D. GIVE PRACTICAL HELP – When I’m in AZ, I volunteer my time with and financially support a fantastic organization called Furnishing Dignity that provides free furniture to people transitioning from homeless. Now I’m using to research volunteer opportunities in Sacramento and hope to find a similar organization to commit to when I’m in CA.

New Year's Resolutions: GoalsSo how about it? How would you apply these steps to your goals this year? I’d love for you to share your plans in the comment section below. Give these 3 simple steps a try. If you do, you’ll take another big step toward Becoming Yourself.

4 Simple “Dream” Ideas for Setting New Year’s Goals

Dreams are weird. I think most of us can relate. Who hasn’t had a dream that was so bizarre you could never invent it if you tried? Sometimes they reflect our hopes and desires, sometimes our worries and fears, and sometimes what we ate for dinner. I don’t know about you but every once in awhile, I have dreams that seem… different. More meaningful. You can call that fate or coincidence or God speaking or random nothingness or whatever you like, but they are special.

New Year's Goals: PlayI was recently reminded of one of those dreams. I tend to be more reflective this time of year and that led me to look at some old journal notes. I stumbled across a dream that I had written down on Dec 31, 2015 because it felt like one of the “more meaningful” variety. It seems somehow appropriate for Old Year’s reflection and New Year’s goal setting so I thought I’d share it here. I hope that it helps you decide on what you want to achieve or, more importantly, who you want to be in the year ahead. Remember, this is a recording of a dream so take that into account as you assess the weirdness factor :)

I dreamed that I was talking with four friends about life. About what I’d learned and things that helped me live the life I wanted. The odd part is that they were all playing on a giant swing set while we talked. Go figure. Here are the four things I shared:

1.  PLAY – it’s the field where new ideas are birthed and all things are
possible. What does playing look like for you? What gives you joy and makes you feel like a wide-eyed child again? Do that regularly in the new year and see where it leads you.

New Year's Goals: Dream2.  DREAM – allow God and/or your own imagination to bring visions to your mind and heart. Dream big dreams. What are you passionate about? What would you attempt if you knew you wouldn’t fail? What would you try if you had unlimited resources? Take a few minutes to regularly let your mind run free this year. It will probably point you in some new, life-giving directions.

New Year's Goals: Pray3.  PRAY – ask God for wisdom and direction on what you should do. If the God thing isn’t for you, seek advice from others you respect on significant decisions you need to make or ideas you have. This is a smart thing to do in addition to prayer anyway. It can help you focus your efforts and avoid pitfalls in the year ahead.

New Year's Goals: Plan4.  PLAN – prepare, organize, and do the work of going after your dreams. When I lived in Michigan, we had an auto insurance acronym called P.L.P.D. I don’t remember what it stood for but I’ve revamped it for my own life to stand for Pray, List, Prioritize, Do. It’s been a helpful framework to give some direction to my goals for years.

So there you have it. Advice from a dream to consider for the New Year. Is there helpful wisdom there? I’ll let you be the judge. Whatever you decide, I hope you’ll be joining me this year as we chase the life we really desire! If you do, you’ll take another big step toward Becoming Yourself.

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