Becoming Yourself

Developing a Better You

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The TV Commercial That Changed My Life – Part 2

In my last post, The TV Commercial That Changed My Life – Part 1, I told how an ad for the app LetGo motivated me to do some much needed purging and organization of my stuff. While the perks of the decluttering were substantial, I wrote that the real breakthrough came when I realized that this lesson on the benefits of letting go applied to my whole life. So here’s the next part of the story…

My wife Lisa and I are recent empty nesters. We’re in our late 40s and live near Phoenix, AZ. Our son Kilian graduated college last year and is living on his own as a graphic designer in California. Our daughter Kennedy is a senior in college in Pittsburgh with plans to move to New York City after graduation to continue her acting career. For years Lisa and I have dreamed of pursuing our love of travel once the kids were on their own. Now that they are, and thanks to Lisa’s job as a successful novelist, we are fortunate enough to have the means and the flexibility to do it.

But, until recently, something was holding us back – my job. As a music pastor on staff at a church, something I’ve done for 25 years, I needed to be in town most of the time for meetings, rehearsals and weekend services. That made the kind of travel we wanted to do impossible. I also had a growing itch, what I would even say was a sense of calling from God, to pursue writing, something I’ve had a passion for since I was a kid but never chased after. My job, in that form, was preventing us from pursuing those dreams. I knew that but I couldn’t let it go.

Cue my wife Lisa. She has this annoying habit of knowing what’s best for me before I do. About six months ago, we were once again talking about how one day I would cut back at work to allow us to live out our dreams of traveling and both of us writing. Finally she just asked me the question I needed to hear: “What are you waiting for?”

I was pinned and I knew it. So I did what any mature, intellectually honest adult would do: I backpedalled. I rationalized. I made excuses. She patiently listened to me for an hour as I threw up my meager defenses and slogged through my conflicted feelings. Then I finally got clarity on my hesitation to do this thing we’ve both dreamed of for so long – I was afraid of letting go. I said I was afraid of the financial impact (reality – thanks to her career, we had the margin). I said I was afraid of not doing meaningful work (reality – I could still do music for the church at a reduced rate and start writing). I said I was afraid of losing the relationships I had with the people I work with (reality – I could still see those friends on the weekends and attend meetings when I chose to). But really it came down to me being afraid of letting go. Of letting go of something that had been meaningful, comfortable and a big part of my identity for so long.

After that conversation, and a little more processing and prayer, I went in and spoke to my boss. I explained where I was at and what I wanted to do – move from a staff role to an independent contractor, cut the number of weekends per year I was on stage in half and no longer attend meetings. He could not have been more understanding and supportive. He said he could make it work. I walked out of that meeting feeling like an elephant had stopped hitching a ride on my shoulders. I was unbelievably excited about the future and the question that kept blazing through my mind was “Why I did I wait so long to let go?”

So I’m on a new adventure. With the time I’ve saved since my job status change this past July, I’ve started this blog and am working on a novel. As I write this, Lisa and I are sitting in an Airbnb in California on a three week trip to visit our son, escape the Phoenix heat and write. I am LOVING my new life!

What things in your life do you need to let go of? That extra commitment that’s exhausting you? A job? A relationship? Something that served you well for a time but whose season has ended? What excuses are you making that keep you holding on tight? What fears do you need to pry from your subconscious and lay against reality? What roadblock are you clinging to that’s keeping you from your living your dreams? My challenge and encouragement to you is this – let it go. When you do, you’ll take another giant step toward Becoming Yourself.

The TV Commercial That Changed My Life – Part 1

Something about the ad caught my attention. Normally I fast-forward or mute TV commercials but not this one. It was for an app called LetGo. Its purpose isn’t unique – to help me sell my stuff – but its focus set it apart.

The benefit of using LetGo highlighted by the ad was not making money or having more space in my house. It was about how good it feels to let go of something I’ve been holding onto for too long. That hit home.

I’m a sentimental pack rat. I attach a lot of emotional value to objects. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s good to have some items that bring me back to a treasured memory of another person or a meaningful experience. Where I run into trouble is when I assign that perceived emotional benefit too liberally. I spread it too wide, diluting the positive effects, and risk becoming a hoarder-in-waiting.

Motivated by that clever marketing campaign, I started cleaning. First a downstairs closet. Then a game cupboard. Then our master closet. Finally the garage. Item after item, box after box, I sorted, using a tip I read in an article about home organizational guru Marie Kondo’s NYT Bestselling book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Upif it brings you joy, keep it. If it doesn’t, let it go.

After a garage sale, an overloaded trip to Goodwill and lots of trash bags, I really do feel better! I find myself opening the closets and wandering into the garage for no other reason than to look at the organized, uncluttered spaces. It gives me a happy, satisfied sensation. I feel lighter, less tied down, and more in control. Like I own my stuff rather than my stuff owning me.

But the real breakthrough came when I realized that this lesson on the benefits of letting go doesn’t just apply to my stuff. It applies to my whole life. And that story, I’ll tell in my next post.

For now, take a look around your living space. Open closets. Look under the bed. Peruse your shelves. For each item that you don’t regularly use, ask yourself a simple question – does this bring me joy? If not, let it go. If you do, you’ll take another happy step toward Becoming Yourself.

Pokemon, a Blown Tire, and Bacon

It came out of nowhere. My wife and I were driving back from playing PokemonGo in a nearby park (yes, we’re still playing – it keeps us walking). A loud flapping sound started coming from the rear of the car. I pulled over and a quick check revealed the cause: a completely blown tire. We were close to home so I nursed the wounded SUV into our driveway.

With a sigh, I started unpacking the jack and spare tire, thinking of how my plans for the morning were now toast. By the time I changed the tire, cleaned up and went to the repair shop, the morning would be shot. I was frustrated and disappointed.

That’s when it hit me. I had a choice. Not a choice about having a blown tire. Not a choice about how I was going to spend my morning. I had a choice about how I was going to feel about it.

So I paused. Took a breath. Then I chose to feel grateful instead of frustrated. How? By thinking about the positives in the situation. We had a full blowout and no one got hurt. It happened on a side road vs. the highway. We were close to home so I was able to do the work in my own driveway. All things considered, this could have been a lot worse.

After my mental reset, I began the chore with a much better attitude, thinking of myself as fortunate instead of a victim of road hazard fate. While it didn’t make changing the tire fun, it made the experience a whole lot less painful.

As I was finishing, a good friend walked up. She had been stopping by just to drop something off (it was bacon – yep, she’s that kind of awesome). Since I was already out in the driveway, we got to talking and had an amazing conversation. She shared some pretty big life questions that she was wrestling with. I offered some things that I had learned in my struggles with those same questions. It seemed to really help her process. The discussion was very meaningful to me and our friendship is stronger for it.

Later, as I was reflecting on the morning’s events, I began thinking about everything that led to that beautiful conversation. Had we not blown the tire, I wouldn’t have been in the driveway and that deeper talk probably wouldn’t have happened. If I hadn’t decided to choose gratitude over frustration, I doubt I’d have been in the right head space to share anything helpful or hopeful with my friend. Something really good would have been missed, and I would have spent my morning feeling discouraged (and perhaps not Triple B’d – Blessed By Bacon).

You’re going to face blow outs in life. We all do. When they come, remember that you have the power to choose your attitude. And your attitude has a HUGE impact on how you feel. We can’t choose much of what happens to us but we can choose how we respond to it. Choose well and you’ll take another big step toward Becoming Yourself.

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