Developing a Better You

Tag: best self (Page 14 of 17)

How to Manage Change: a Story 26 Years in the Making

It’s been a long time coming. A few hours ago, after twenty-six years as a professional musician and worship leader, I walked off the stage for the last time. Today completed a two year transition from a career in music to full-time writing as a blogger and novelist. While I’ve already written about some of the things I’ve learned as I’ve managed this change (Jan 2019, Feb 2019, May 2019), the last few days have taught me new lessons.

Going in, I knew this weekend would be emotionally challenging for me. Even though this career change was something I wanted and initiated, I had anticipated a roller coaster of emotions. An organized planner by nature, I had been tempted to look ahead and try to structure or manage my emotions, as in, “I should feel happy when I’m singing” or “I should feel sad when talking to this person for the last time.”

Fortunately, through my times of meditation and prayer leading up to my final weekend, I saw the futility of that approach. I shifted my internal posture to one of openness, exemplified by a mental image of my hands held loosely in front of me, palms up. It was a way of reminding myself to just experience my feelings organically whenever and however they came, or as my accountability partner advised me, “Just feel the feels.”

When I got off the plane in Phoenix where I was playing my last weekend, I had a surprise voicemail – my friends and long-time band mates had arranged to all be on with me for my final time. I was genuinely touched and knew it would make the experience so much sweeter.

I played in four services, two on Saturday afternoon and two Sunday morning. The time on stage during the Saturday services was enjoyable, but after each one, the tears welled up. At the end of the night, I felt like I needed some time alone to process the emotions I felt building up inside of me, so I drove my rental car across the street to an empty parking lot. Sitting alone in the dark, I willed myself to cry, to let those emotions out. Nothing happened. I had some good moments of reflection but no tears. It wasn’t time. I drove back to where I was staying at a friend’s house and crashed on the bed, exhausted. I talked things through with my wife Lisa over FaceTime, then fell asleep at 9:15 pm.

The next morning, I arrived for the final two services feeling great. I was upbeat and joked with my friends. The first service went well, and when it was time for the second, I stepped out on stage for the last time feeling good, relaxed. For the first half of the set, I was just enjoying the moment. Then I turned and looked over at my bandmates, friends I’d served, played, and done life with for ten, thirteen, and fifteen years. Our keyboardist caught my eye and gave me a knowing smile. That was the moment it really sank in – after doing this hundreds of times over the years, we would never be on stage together again.

Then the emotions started to come. I managed to hold myself together enough to finish the set. I made it through the curtains backstage and promptly lost it. My incredible friend and accountability partner Ty plays guitar in the band, and I collapsed in his arms as we wept together. I did the same with other members of the band, dear friends all. The release that I knew I needed had finally arrived. I resisted the urge to stuff my emotions down and just let them come. It was a painful, magical, bittersweet, beautiful moment that I’ll always cherish.

A short time later, I drove away with a light heart and an overwhelming feeling of relief. I felt at peace. Joyful. Free. No regrets. With what I believe was God’s help, I was able to navigate an emotionally charged weekend of significant change. As I write this, I feel a deep sense of satisfaction and “rightness.” Whatever further processing may be ahead, I know I did everything I could to fully experience this change in the moment.

Change comes to all of us, welcome or no. As you face significant transitions in your life, here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. All change can generate both positive and challenging emotions. Even desired change usually involves a measure of grief, saying goodbye to one part of your life in order to make room for something better.

2. Everyone processes change differently. While it is important to navigate change in an authentic and meaningful way, don’t feel like your process has to look like anyone else’s.

3. “Feel the feels.” Rather than focus on how you think the change should make you feel, allow yourself to experience your emotions however and whenever they come. Don’t try to stuff, delay, deny, or avoid your feelings – embrace them. As you experience the change, take time to regularly ask yourself, “How am I feeling right now?” There’s no right or wrong way to feel as you process change, only healthy or unhealthy ways of expressing those feelings. Find positive, constructive outlets for releasing your emotions – crying, shouting into a pillow, journaling, meditating, praying, dancing, celebrating, laughing, talking with trusted friend, whatever works for you. Trust your instincts.

Change is inevitable. Change is difficult. Change is liberating. Change is exciting. Learn to process change well. If you do, you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

Find Your Calling: Matt McMann, photo credit Jamie Hines
Photo credit Jamie Hines

The Importance of Making – and Breaking – Routine

I’m a routine person. I thrive in a steady, consistent pattern. As a work-from-home writer, my daily schedule consists of morning centering (mediation / prayer / reading), working out, email, first writing session, afternoon break (eating, watching TV, taking a walk, household tasks), second writing session, reading, sleep. I even wear the same “uniform” of Gryffindor pajama pants and a Call of the Wild sweatshirt. I love it.

Hiking across from the Log Castle, Whidbey Island, WA

While having a routine saves me time and mental / emotional energy by eliminating a variety of daily decisions, I’ve found it healthy to regularly break my habits. Like taking a day off each week. Fridays are my Sabbath, where I free myself from normal responsibilities and take time to just rest and play (for more on the benefits of Sabbath, see my post here).

On an occasional basis, more dramatic breaks are needed. While I know how good they are for me, I often struggle to take them. It’s a hassle. The planning. The expense. The effort. The coordination. It’s so much easier just to stay home and stick with my routine. So four months ago when an author friend reached out to my wife Lisa and me with the idea of going on a writing retreat with some other authors, I had a choice to make – was I going to embrace the work involved and take advantage of this opportunity or stay in my comfortable routine? Before I could talk myself out of it, we committed.

The Log Castle, photo credit

Fast forward to now. As I write this, I’m sitting in a recliner in a Log Castle (yes, that’s actually what it’s called on, and yes, that’s an accurate description) on Whidbey Island off the coast of Seattle gazing out at the water watching seals swim by. It’s every bit as wonderful as you might imagine. We’re here with three other writers, old friends and new, all working on our various books, sharing meals together, talking about the joys and trials of author life, playing poker, and generally having a lovely, relaxing, and productive time. I can feel myself recharging in a way that just doesn’t happen in my normal routine. The planning, expense, and effort have been more than worth it.

The Log Castle tower bedroom, photo credit

What’s your relationship with routine? Is it a friend or a foe? Does it come naturally or is it a struggle? Look at your life and save yourself some hassle – automate the important and ritualize the regular. But once that time and energy saving routine is in place, schedule times to break it. You’ll be glad you did. And you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

The Most Impactful Choice You’ll Make This (or any other) Year: Randomness, Distraction, or Story?

I believe most people choose one of the three following ways of living:

1. EMBRACE RANDOMNESS – We are a cosmic accident, the by-product of time + matter + energy + chance. There is no overall meaning or purpose to life, rather we each find our own meaning however we can. We live out our lives as temporary residents of a chaotic universe, then we die and pass into the nothingness from which we came. The universe rolls on unaware and uncaring. The best way to live is to embrace this hard truth.

2. EMBRACE DISTRACTION – Don’t think about the big questions – where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? They are either uninteresting, unsettling, or unknowable. Stay busy – work, play, deal with problems, sleep. Stay distracted – TV, social media, eating, drinking, music, hobbies, relationships. Use them to fill the silence whenever we feel a nagging sense of hopeless or the emergence of the persistent underlying question “What is it all for? What does it all mean?” The best way to live is to get through each day as best you can.

3. EMBRACE STORY – There’s a Great Story being told, one we’ve fallen into and in which we all have a part to play. There’s an Author, a Director, a Weaver, and our life is one small colored thread in a massive, beautiful tapestry whose design we can’t yet fully see. We were born into the ultimate tale of Love, Adventure, and Romance. The Great Story is heading toward a dramatic conclusion, and we will share in a real happily ever after. The best way to live is to discover our part and enjoy playing it.

Which do you choose? Each one has pros and cons. None can be conclusively proven. All have many highly intelligent adherents. There are compelling arguments that can be made for all three. Listing those here is not my goal. I’d encourage you to consider your personal experiences along with the intellectual arguments for each option and decide for yourself.

I’ve weighed these competing world-views in my own life and have chosen to Embrace Story. Why? Firstly, because I’ve had numerous personal, subjective experiences that lead me to believe that it’s true. Secondly, I find the intellectual arguments for Story to be the most compelling (specifically the way the Story world-view explains the Existence of the Universe, the Fine-Tuning of the Universe, the Existence of Objective Morality, etc.) Finally, since none of the three can be conclusively proven, why not choose the most beautiful option? Why not select hope? Even if I’m wrong and Randomness is the true nature of the universe, in the end, what will I have lost by choosing to embrace Story?

Over the course of my fifty years, I, like everyone else, have had ups and downs, joys and struggles, incredible victories and staggering defeats. I’ve enjoyed moments of life-giving clarity and endured times of spirit-wrenching doubt. Through it all, I’ve discovered that embracing Story, getting to know the Author, and discovering my part to play has given me a sense of peace, joy, love, hope, direction, purpose, meaning, and fulfillment like nothing else I’ve ever found.

My sincere hope is that whatever world-view you select, one of these three or some variation, leads you to these same gifts. Choose well, and you’ll take a giant leap toward Becoming Yourself.

Some resources that have helped shape my thinking on the Embrace Story world-view:

The Sacred Romance by John Eldredge

Epic by John Eldredge

Another Name for Every Thing podcast by Richard Rohr (available wherever you listen to podcasts)

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