Developing a Better You

Tag: how to find meaning

Want a More Vibrant Life? Take the Map Off the Wall

It’s so easy to worship the map.

Spiritual growth author Anthony de Mello once told a story about a man who lived in a small village. The man grew restless in the confines of the isolated hamlet, his eyes often wandering to the surrounding forests and distant mountains.

One day, he set off to explore the wider world. The man was gone for a long time. The timid people of the village assumed he was dead and were surprised when he unexpectedly returned.

They noticed that the man had changed. His limbs had grown wiry and strong, his face was tanned and hardened by the wind, and there was a bright gleam in his eyes. He shared wonderful tales from his travels, recounting amazing adventures and describing beautiful places.

The townspeople were fascinated and asked the man to draw them a map of where he’d been. He declined, urging them to go explore for themselves and find their own way as he did. They persisted, pestering the adventurer until he finally relented and drew them a map.

Instead of using it as a guide for their own journeys, the people framed the map, hung it on a wall, and worshipped it. They remained in their familiar village, continually retelling the stories of the adventurer, stories they never experienced for themselves.

It’s so easy to read about personal development. To listen to inspiring stories. To watch heart-swelling videos. To talk about everything you plan to do to become the person you want to be or to have the life you long for.

It’s so easy to worship the map.

But growth rarely happens from the couch. Meaningful victories are not won from the sidelines. If you want to become someone new, someone better, a more fulfilling version of yourself, if you want your life to align more closely with your dreams, then you must venture out from your comfortable village. Turn words into actions. Stride fearfully yet purposefully into the forest. Real growth happens in the wilderness.

Maybe your first step is hiring that personal trainer. Taking that class. Attending that religious service. Making that phone call. Start small, but with the confidence of knowing that every step you take brings you closer to that distant, beautiful mountain.

So prepare your pack. Invite a trusted companion and grab a walking stick. Pick a point on the horizon and set off. At times during the journey, like Bilbo, you’ll long for the comforts you left behind. Dangers and trials line the road. But so do wonders, adventures and realized dreams. Take the map off the wall and head into the glorious unknown. If you do, you’ll find a more vibrant, fulfilling life, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

The 4 Things You Truly Desire (and Where to Get Them)

We’re all different. We have different appearances, backgrounds, personalities, experiences, perspectives, tastes, and beliefs. Sometimes those dissimilarities lead to delight and other times to tension, but either way, we cannot deny they exist.

But on a deeper level, I believe we’re all the same. Everyone. Regardless of age, nationality, gender, orientation, socio-economic class, religion, you name it. We’re united in this regard – we all desire the same four things: wonder, truth, love, and security. Philosopher Ravi Zacharias organized them this way:


This tends to be a focus of our childhood. We seek discovery. We embrace new experiences. We desire to be fascinated by life.


This is often a focus of our youth. We want answers to big questions. Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? What is the purpose of my life? What is real?


While true of every stage, this is often a focus of our middle age. We long to belong. To be accepted. To be valued. To be adored and cherished just as we are.


This is usually a focus of our later years. We yearn for peace. An assurance that we’ll be cared for. A confidence that everything is going to be okay.

If it’s true that these four elements comprise the deepest desires of our hearts, how can we fulfill them? What sources can we turn too? Depending on who you ask, you’ll find both variety and similarities in the answers to those questions. Some will find wonder in travel, adventure, and romance. Truth can be sought in books, study, and deep conversations. Love can be found in family, friends, and a life partner. Security can be obtained in money, wise planning, and a stable job.

All of those are good things. They are all things I’ve pursued in my own attempts to satisfy my deepest desires. But to be honest, they’ve never felt like quite enough. As compelling as they can be at times, each has left me wanting something more, like an itch I can’t scratch. None of them gave me the ultimate satisfaction and contentment I was looking for. Perhaps you can relate.

In the end, my search for true fulfillment of these four deepest desires has been met in God. I know that for some of you, God is a non-starter, and I respect that position. My motivation here is just to share my personal experience in case it’s helpful to some. In my lifelong pursuit of God, I’ve found God to be an unending well of WONDER, a reliable dispenser of TRUTH, a spring of unconditional LOVE, and source of bedrock SECURITY (for the story of how I connect with God and ideas on how you can do the same, read my post here).

Ravi Zacharias summarized these thoughts at the end of a lecture that served as the catalyst for this post. While he is speaking from a Christian perspective, I think the idea is applicable to most religious affiliations and names for God:

“God, who is the perpetual novelty (WONDER), who gave us his Son who is the way, the truth, and the life (TRUTH), who loved you and gave Himself for you on the cross (LOVE), and says, ‘Because I live, you shall live also’ (SECURITY), that’s when meaning comes in – when these four components deal with the questions of origin, meaning, morality, and destiny and bring that coherence into your life.”

Ravi Zacharias (The Top 5 Questions lecture, University of Iowa 2001)

So how about you? How satisfied is your desire for WONDER? What progress have you made in your search for TRUTH? Are you on your way to fulfilling LOVE? Do you have a deep sense of SECURITY? Regardless if your journey leads you to God or some other source, this is a quest worthy of your time and effort. Search for fulfillment of each of these deep desires. If you do, you’ll lead a rich life and take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

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