Developing a Better You

Tag: New Year’s Resolutions (Page 1 of 3)

How to Achieve Your Goals Using Reflection

I don’t like New Year’s Resolutions.

They tend to seem forced, make me feel guilty, and I usually fail at keeping them. That said, I’m dedicated to personal development and to carving out the life I really want. That requires reflection. If I don’t look back on where I’ve been, how will I know if I’m closer to where I want to go? 

The start of a new year lends itself to personal reflection. Here are some significant events that stood out as I ruminated on 2024:

1. My mom passed away after a bad fall that she couldn’t recover from.

2. I published two books, numbers four and five in my spooky middle grade monster mystery series MONSTERIOUS (Penguin Random House).

3. I went on two national book tours, appeared at three book festivals, and hung out with one of my literary heroes, Goosebumps author R L Stine.

4. I had two different book projects rejected, ones that I pitched to my editor as a follow up to MONSTERIOUS.

5. My wife Lisa and I sold three houses, most of our possessions, and transitioned to living nomadically.

6. We traveled to eight countries, taking our nomadic experiment international.

7. I shockingly became a USA Today best-selling author on Christmas Day when my first book hit the list a year and a half after its publication.

Here are some insights I gained from that reflection:

 1. I went through some hard things

The death of my mom, the gut-punch of multiple book rejections, the grind of selling three properties, and the difficult transition to nomadic living took a lot out of me physically and emotionally. I realized I need to rest, be kind to myself, and give myself grace.

 2. I accomplished a lot

In the busyness of daily living, significant accomplishments can quickly get lost. Listing them reminded me of how far I’ve come in my personal and professional life. When those victories arrive, I need to take time to celebrate them, something I’m not good at.

 3. I’m going in the right direction

I came into 2024 wanting to push my writing career forward, find freedom through nomadic living, travel, and spend more time with people I love. I was surprised to realize how much ground I’d gained on those goals this past year. It was a lot of hard work and intentionality, but the results are incredibly gratifying. My life now looks close to what I’d set out to make it. 

As you reflect on the past year, what significant milestones stand out? What do those markers say about your progress  toward your goals? Does your life more closely mirror your preferred vision for it than it did a year ago?

Ask yourself these hard questions. Be brutally honest. Give yourself grace for the hard things you’ve endured. Lavishly celebrate your accomplishments. Take comfort in the progress you’ve made. Course correct as needed. If you do, you’ll have a more meaningful and enjoyable life, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

The Only New Year’s Resolution You’ll Ever Need

Sometimes the simplest things are the most profound.

That’s what I thought when read my friend Tom Leveen’s recent author newsletter. He’s a fabulous writer and an insightful thinker. I hope you’re as inspired as I am by his words, and that they help you take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

You only need one resolution. THE ONLY NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION YOU’LL EVER NEED:
Do one pushup, with a straight back, chest to ground, perfect form.
Can’t do that? Do one pushup from your knees.
Can’t do that? Do one push-off from the wall.
(Can’t do that? Call your doctor and make an appointment now, you are in a bad, bad way.)
Then tomorrow, do it again. Do it every day until you get comfortable. Then do two. When two becomes comfortable, do three.
Can you already bust out 50 pushups? Cool. Bust out 51.
Can you walk comfortably 10 minutes? Walk 11.
Can you jog for 60 minutes straight? Jog 61.
Do you need to reduce your added sugar intake? (Spoiler alert: Yes.) Total up all your added grams of sugar on January 1, and on January 2, eat 1 gram less. When that’s comfortable, eat 2 grams less.
You do not need to join a gym. Save your money. You do not need expensive running shoes. Save your money. All you really need is your body, and a clear space on the floor about the size of a prison cell.
The only resolution you ever need to make is to get 1% better every day. For the rest of your life.
Do that, and I swear to you you’ll be stunned at how many goals you’ve crushed this time next year. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, creative. Whatever.
That is how I went from weighing 120 pounds and in the worst depression of my life to weighing more than 150 pounds (lean muscle!) and completing 13.5 hours of a physical crucible coached by retired Navy SEALs.


When a 60+ year-old retired combat veteran Master Chief who just an hour previous was screaming in your ear to GET OFF YOUR KNEES, LEVEN! shakes your hand, looks you in the eye, and says, “You did it! I’m proud of you!” you feel that shit in your soul, and it lasts forever.
The first time you bust out a Murph (1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 pushups, 300 squats, and another 1 mile run) in 75 minutes, you realize your old way of thinking about limitations is over.
The first time you bang out 50 pushups in 2 minutes, you start to re-evaluate your creative, artistic, and business goals.
The first time you knock out 5,000 words of a novel in one day, you realize the old paradigms don’t apply anymore.


Do not compare yourself to anyone else. You are only competing against your own baseline to get 1% better today than yesterday at your goal. 

That’s it. You got this. 1% better than yesterday.
Thank you so much for being here. I’ve got some great stories to tell you in 2024, I can’t wait to share them with you!

Take care, 
~ Tom

My linktree is the best place to keep up with all my projects – YA novels, comics, horror stories, audiobooks and podcasts…all of it! I’ve started two new serials as well.

Tom Leveen is an award-winning novelist and Bram Stoker Award finalist who has written for the comic book series SPAWN and fiction for the BattleTech RPG. For Tom’s YA, horror, and more, check out

Pursuing Joy with a ‘Focus Word’

In my last post, I shared how I found my “focus word” for 2020 (you can read that story here).

This past week, I repeated the process for 2021. Instead of a single clear word, what came to mind as I listened was my recent Enneagram results. Enneagram is a personality profiling tool that’s very helpful in personal growth. I took the test over the holidays and found that I am a “One” type (you can take the free test here). As I continued to listen and reflect, I remembered reading that when Ones are developing in a healthy way, they become more spontaneous and joyful. The word “joyful” stood out to me. It stuck. It felt right. Here’s what I wrote after that listening prayer:

I asked God if She had a new focus word for me for the new year. I didn’t hear anything at first, but then my mind started reflecting on what I’d learned from my Enneagram test results reading I did yesterday. I’m a 1 with a 9 wing. When a 1 is healthy and growing, they move toward being more spontaneous and joyful like a healthy 7. The word joyful stuck out. At first I was skeptical. Joyful? Me? How can you MAKE yourself joyful or focus on being joyful? But something about it feels right. It sounds good. I’d like to be more joyful this year. I’m going to sit with it for a few days and ask for confirmation. Either way, it seems a healthy area of growth.

A recent experience made me feel like I’m on the right track. As I prepared to do my normal morning exercise of walking the stairs in my condo building, I glanced out the window at the large hill down the street. I decided to work on my spontaneity. Before I fell mindlessly into my habit, I told my wife Lisa that I was going to climb the hill. Well aware of my routine nature, she was surprised. I left before I could talk myself out of it.

View of the hill I climbed from our window

When I reached the top of the hill, I left the trail and explored a cave we had noticed from our condo. After descending, I took a different route on my way home and discovered a wonderful secluded walkway with several fountains. A few minutes later, I lingered beneath a huge tree whose canopy filled my vision as I gazed upward. I had forgotten how healing it can be to soak up nature, even right in the middle of the city. When I arrived home, I realized something wonderful – I felt joyful. My intentional spontaneity (which I realize is nearly an oxymoron) led me to joy.

What changes do you want for your life this year? Who would you like to be twelve months from now? Choose a focus word that captures that desire. Make it simple. Make it clear. Make it memorable. Recite it daily. If you do, you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

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