Developing a Better You

Tag: post pandemic life

Choose Your Post-Pandemic Life Well

Covid-19 has been a thief.

It has stolen precious lives, careers, businesses, dreams, and experiences.

But it has also given a rare gift.

As vaccinations allow us to slowly return to some degree of normalcy, we have a unique opportunity to choose our post-pandemic lives. After all the stripping away, we can thoughtfully and intentionally decide what we reintroduce into our lives. Rather than running blindly back to our pre-pandemic schedules, routines, and commitments, pause. Consider what the last year of disruption and isolation has taught you about yourself. Who are you really? What are you truly passionate about? What do you actually miss?

These opportunities don’t come along too often, at least not with this level of clarity. Examine your relationships, your hobbies, your commitments, your work. Is there an unhealthy friendship you could choose not to renew? If you enjoyed working from home, could you continue even when the office life returns? Is there a former board, a committee, or an organization that needs to stay in your past? Have you found a new hobby or passion area during the pandemic that you need to save space for moving forward?

In our eagerness to reengage with the world, it will be easy to fill our schedules. Remember that saying yes to one thing often means saying no to everything else. Choose wisely. The coronavirus has taken so much away—seize the rare opportunity it has given to rebuild a better life, schedule, calendar, routine, and relational world. One that’s life-giving. More true to who you really are. If you do, you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

How to Get Back to “Normal”: Be Kind to Yourself

I hate admitting I’m weak.

Now that I am fully vaccinated, I’ve started reintroducing some normal activities that I’d put on pause during the COVID-19 pandemic – eating in restaurants, getting together with vaccinated friends, volunteering, going to the doctor and dentist, etc. It feels wonderful to engage with the world again.

It also feels exhausting. I find myself physically and emotionally drained after coming home from simple activities that I breezed through in the past. I’ve had to face the reality that extended time in isolation has left my “social engagement muscles” weak and atrophied. I’m simply not used to the crowds and stimulation.

After being so eager for so long to do exactly what I’m doing, that’s a hard admission for me. I don’t want to be that way. But I am. Like an athlete coming back from an injury, it’s going to take some time for me to rebuild the stamina that I’ve lost.

I’m working on giving myself time. Grace. Patience. It took awhile to get to this point, and it will take awhile to return from it. But it will come. My strength will return. In the meantime, the best thing I can do is be kind to myself.

So how about you? As the world shifts slowly back toward a degree of normalcy, how are you feeling? How have you changed? Whatever your answer to those questions, it’s okay. This last year has been unlike anything most of us have ever faced. None of us are coming out unscathed. We all need to heal and rebuild our strength in one way or another. Give yourself time and grace. Be kind to yourself and to others, who are likely in the same boat. If you do, you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself. 

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