So what does this have to do with personal development? In order to become the person we want to be, we must balance ACTION and CONTEMPLATION. My philosophy teaching father always says when discussing something important, “define your terms”. So what do I mean by “action” and “contemplation” in regards to personal development?
ACTION – this is our “outer work.” It’s taking our love for others and our gratitude for the good things in our lives and turning them into activities that help people in practical, meaningful ways.
CONTEMPLATION – this is our “inner work.” It’s having the courage to look honestly at who we really are and engage in practices that help us grow.
As you read those definitions, which did you identify with most strongly? We all have a natural leaning one way or the other. I personally gravitate more toward contemplation. I set aside time every morning for reflection, meditation, prayer, and personal growth reading. I enjoy introspection, trying to figure out who I am and how I’m wired. But I struggle with action. I feel deeply for other people’s suffering, but it takes intentionality and effort to step outside of myself to act on those feelings. Both are necessary, but it’s hard to find the balance.
So what does it look like to live with a healthy balance of ACTION and CONTEMPLATION? Sometimes examining the life of someone we admire can help. Pick your favorite example. Maybe it’s Martin Luther King Jr. or Gandhi or Mother Teresa. Maybe it’s a parent, a friend, or a favorite aunt. How do (did) they strike this balance in their lives? What can you learn from them?
My favorite example is Jesus. Regardless of your beliefs on his divinity, I think there’s a lot we can all learn from how he lived. The first four books of the Bible’s New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) paint an amazing picture of the way Jesus balanced action and contemplation. His ministry was filled with practical actions of healing the sick, teaching those who were searching for direction, training his disciples, challenging corrupt systems, and caring for the poor. At the same time, he regularly spent time away from the crowds to study, reflect, and pray (as a boy in the temple in Luke 2:41-51, forty days in the wilderness in Matthew 4:1-11, after feeding five thousand people in John 6:14-15, etc.).
So when it comes to balancing ACTION and CONTEMPLATION in your life, what’s one thing you can do to develop the side that’s less natural to you?
If it’s ACTION, maybe you need to step out and volunteer for a cause you believe in. Try a school or a food bank or a club or a church. Go alone or grab a friend or a group from work. Use volunteermatch.org to find opportunities near you searchable by area of interest and commitment level. I’ve used it to volunteer at food banks, a low income housing center, an event connecting homeless people with support organizations, a mens shelter, making heat relief kits, and delivering furniture to people coming out of homelessness. It may take you awhile to find your fit, but stick with it. Trial and error is part of the process.
If it’s CONTEMPLATION, try starting to have a dedicated time for reflection. In the morning, during your lunch break, before bed, whenever you can be consistent. Start like I did many years ago with the “2 / 2 / 2 Plan.” Spend two minutes in silent meditation / reflection, two minutes praying (if you believe in a higher power), and two minutes on some kind of personal development reading (a personal development book or blog, a Bible reading plan like YouVersion, a daily email like The Center for Action and Contemplation, etc.). Once you get in the habit, you can slowly increase over time to “3 / 3 / 3”, “5 / 5 / 5,” etc. Journaling is another great way to spend your reflection and / or prayer time. Use a Word doc, a simple notepad, or a guided journal like A Happier Mind Journal.
One of the amazing things about action and contemplation is that they have a symbiotic relationship where each feeds the other. I learn about myself and find healing through the ACTION of serving others. I’m most effective at serving others from the place of self-knowledge and wholeness gained through CONTEMPLATION. There’s no perfect balance to this. There will be seasons when it’s best to focus on action and others when you need more time in contemplation. That’s normal and okay. This is a lesson to work on for a lifetime.
So which side of ACTION and CONTEMPLATION needs your attention? Complete one small step toward balance today. Take the long view. Give yourself grace. If you do, you’ll be that much closer to Becoming Yourself.