Developing a Better You

Tag: reflecting on life

Use Autumn to Reflect

There’s something special about autumn.

The crisp air. The vibrant purple, red, and gold leaves. A steaming cup of tea. A crackling fire. An artful display of pumpkins, cornstalks, and apples.

Autumn has been my favorite season since childhood. Now that the calendar has flipped to October, I’ve been thinking about why I enjoy this time of year so much.

There’s a preciousness to fall that heightens its delights. I know these magical days are fleeting. The long lazy days of summer are over and the cold dark winter lies ahead. It makes me want to savor this season.

Autumn is a time of reflection. Its transitional nature encourages me to ponder my life. What seasons have come and gone? Which has most recently waned and which one awaits? Where do I find myself now?

The last year an a half has been a time of intense change in my career, family, and way of living (I wrote about those changes here). The current season for my wife Lisa and me is dominated by adapting to our new nomadic lifestyle. Three months ago, we finished selling our condo, our rental houses, and almost all our possessions. We now live in hotels, AirBnbs, and with friends and family throughout the US, and we’ll soon be heading abroad. 

At times I wonder if we’re crazy. This way of life is so different than anything we’ve done before, and the challenges are real. But overall, we’re loving the freedom, spontaneity, variety, and relational connections that nomadic life provides. In the frustrating times, I think of how proud I am of us for taking the leap into this dream we’ve had for so long, and remind myself we can always plant roots again if we choose.

What reflections is this autumn season stirring in you? Take time to ponder. Wander a wood, a park, a lane. Look back on the seasons of your life. Observe honestly where you are now. Gaze at what lies ahead. Practice gratitude for it all. Let the insights you gain guide your path. If you do, you’ll experience a deep joy this autumn, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself. 

What I’ve Learned About Myself from Writing 100 Personal Development Posts

This is my 100th personal development blog post. I took some time to reflect on the journey to this personal milestone, and here are a few things that stood out:


I’m grateful to you who read. Some of you have been with me from the beginning and stuck with me through my stumbling. While there’s a cathartic journaling aspect to my writing, I would not have come this far without you walking beside me. I am deeply thankful for you.


Some of you have shared that what I’ve written about my struggles and what I’ve learned has helped you on your own journey. Those comments surprise me every time. They are the wind in my sails that keeps me writing. Each of our lives are unique, yet when we share our very personal stories, I’m amazed how often they strike a universal chord in all of us. Our similarities shine brighter than our differences.

3. I’m PROUD

I’m proud of myself for starting this blog when I was afraid (Do I have anything meaningful to say? Who would read it? What if I embarrass myself and fail?) and for sticking with it, putting my thoughts into the world 100 times.

4. I’m SAFE

If you’ve read much of what I’ve written here, you’ll know that I find my deepest hope, meaning, and identity in my relationship with God. As I look back over the life experiences I’ve cataloged in these 100 posts, I feel a deep sense of safety. Not an isolation from pain, doubt, and struggle, but a realization that I’m held in the midst of them. That I never face them alone. I have confidence and peace that in the end, whatever twists my path may take, God has my back, and ultimately everything is going to be okay.

So how about you? Occasionally taking a few quiet moments to simply look back on your life is a great personal development tool. If you reflect on the last few years of your life, what stands out? What significant milestones have you experienced, both good and bad? What lessons have they taught you about yourself, others, the world, and, if applicable to you, God? How can remembering and applying those lessons help you today? I pray those reflections bring you peace, meaning, and hope as they propel you on your journey toward Becoming Yourself.

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