Developing a Better You

Tag: true self (Page 8 of 26)

Feeling Stressed? Here’s a Simple Way to Find Some Peace

My recent bout with coronavirus blues reminded me of stressful week I had a few months ago before the pandemic induced lockdown. I had to deal with a complicated tax issue. We got an unexpected $1000 medical bill when a “should have been free” screening was rejected by our insurance. Our credit card number was stolen by someone having a lot of fun in Florida at our expense. We learned of some serious problems with our rental house. Then the wall air conditioning unit in our apartment suddenly gushed water – again.

I’m normally pretty zen about these kinds of problems. Everyone has issues to deal with, and none of those struggles were unique to us. But having them crammed together in one week drove me over my limit, leaving me cursing and frustrated with a dark cloud over my head.

The next day I served lunch at a homeless shelter. I didn’t want to go, but it’s something I’ve committed to working into my routine. As I walked to the shelter, a man ahead of me on the sidewalk suddenly turned and jumped toward me, yelling something I couldn’t understand. At first I felt startled and defensive, but as I walked away, I wondered what kind of struggles he must be facing to act that way.

A few minutes later, I said hello to a disheveled woman who looked lost and forlorn. She said in a quiet voice that she knows I probably don’t care but she’d had a really rough night and was hoping to buy a drink at the 7-11 next door. I normally donate to charitable organizations where it can have the most impact, but I gave her some money, unable to imagine what it’s like to be a woman living alone on the streets.

At the homeless shelter, I spent three hours serving food to hundreds of people who had nowhere else to turn. White, black, brown, seniors, children, women, men. Poverty is no respecter of race, age, or gender.

On my walk home, a young man standing on the sidewalk reached out to fist bump me and asked where I went to college. He said he’d studied at Harvard, Oxford, Brown, and Le Cordon Bleu. During our conversation, he explained that he lived at the house we were standing in front of which was, as best as I could make out, a home for mentally challenged adults.

As I stood on our balcony that evening, I realized how much my negative feelings had changed. None of my problems had gone away, but as I compared them to those of the people I’d encountered that day, they seemed so small. I whispered a prayer for those I’d met and thanked God for my wonderful life.

So when the inevitable struggles come your way, take some time to acknowledge your understandable pain and frustration. But when you’re tempted to linger there, open your eyes and heart to the suffering of others. If you do, you’ll find some peace, and take another step towards Becoming Yourself.

How to Blow Away the Blues: Let It Out and Let It Go

I’m generally a positive person. Glass half full, look on the bright side, count your blessings, and all that. This morning, not so much. As I sat on our apartment’s balcony for my daily time of meditation, reading, and prayer, I felt… off. Flat. Discouraged. I started to do what I normally do – shake it off, focus on the positive, push past it.

But then I stopped. I realized that response was simply not being honest with God or myself. So I tried a different approach. I vented. Poured out my feelings to God. How I felt guilty having such a good and relatively easy life compared to so many who are suffering right now. That I’m discouraged by how slowly my writing career is progressing. How frustrated I am with my recent nagging knee pain that’s preventing me from exercising which in turn leaves me feeling sluggish and unmotivated. That I’m bored being inside and tired of only seeing people through a computer screen. How I’m sick of wiping down everything that comes in the door and have continual low-grade anxiety of catching this truly horrible virus.

After about ten minutes, a surprising thing happened. I felt better. Lighter. More calm. Like I’d purged myself of something nasty. It reminded me that as wonderful as a positive perspective normally is, sometimes I just need to acknowledge that I’m struggling. Get it out. Be real with myself and those I trust. Coming clean with all that junk to God and my wife Lisa not only helped me get past my malaise, it strengthened our relationships.

That said, here’s a really important second part:


Marinating in self pity is not an attractive trait. Nor is it helpful to anyone, least of all myself or the people who are stuck living with me (Hi, Lisa). I had to leave the wallowing to the pigs. Purge my stuff, take a deep breath, and move on. Focus on the good. Practice gratitude. Do something positive to get me headed in a helpful direction. My “do something positive” was writing this post in hopes that it might help somebody else.

How are you doing? Really. Look in the mirror. Ask that question honestly. Be real with yourself. Then find someone safe and be real with them. Vulnerability is hard. It feels like walking down the street naked. But it’s also really good for us and our relationships. And your willingness to “go there” may give someone else the courage to do the same.

So the next time those negative emotions start to bubble up, find a healthy place to let them out, then let them go. If you do, you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

Creating Sacred Space at Home

“Sheltering in place” has become our new normal. Most of us are already feeling the strain of too much isolation from friends, family, and coworkers. But for many of us, we’re confined to close quarters with other people, which could lead to the opposite problem – not enough isolation. As much as we love our spouse, kids, significant other, roommate, etc., it’s only natural to need an occasional break from one another.

That’s when we need to create a “sacred space.” It’s simply a private place where you can be alone for a little while. Alone with your thoughts, an engaging novel, or your favorite hobby. It could be a balcony, a porch, a garage, an attic, a guest room, even a closet.

When we moved into our new apartment a few months ago, my wife (author Lisa McMann) had the genius idea of turning a large coat closet into a mini-library, complete with a comfy chair, lamps, and hanging art. The 4’x8’ space that would have been stuffed with coats, shoes, and boxes we hardly ever touch is now a sacred space, an oasis of calm and privacy whenever either of us needs to slip away for awhile.

While a dedicated physical space is ideal, you can also utilize multi-use areas. If the others who share your space are congregated in the living room, curl up on your bed with the door closed. Soak in the bathtub for an hour. Slip away to the garage. It helps to communicate, kindly and respectfully, your desire for some alone time with the others and enlist their cooperation. Ask how you can do the same for them.

While more challenging, you can also create sacred space mentally. Grab some headphones, close your eyes, and listen to some calming music or an audiobook. Have soothing nature sounds or other ambient environments running in the background while you work on your laptop using Youtube is chock full of long-playing relaxation videos with or without music. I regularly utilize environment videos of an empty beach at sunset, a mountain lake, a quiet forest stream, or a crackling fireplace. You can even take virtual hikes of national parks, tour world famous museums, or use mediation apps like Calm or The Pause (see my post on those apps here), all with others in the same room.

So how will you create some sacred space today? Look creatively at your physical spaces. Start a conversation with those who share your home about helping each other thrive in close quarters. Use your headphones and technology to create sacred space in your mind. If you do, you’ll find sheltering in place more enjoyable, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

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