I’m normally a glass-half-full person, but lately I’ve been struggling. I’ve had to admit to myself that I’m not doing as well emotionally as I normally am. This extended time of COVID-19 forced isolation with the absence of my normal social interactions and routines are beginning to take their toll.
Earlier in this pandemic, my spirits were buoyed by the extra time I had for novel writing and launching my YouTube channel. I thought that run would continue, but after five months, even my introverted nature isn’t enough to sustain it. I’ve been forced to acknowledge that I’m in one of those seasons where my best personal development techniques and coping mechanisms aren’t enough to easily sweep my emotional struggles away.

It’s a hard truth that there are times in life when the primary tool we need to employ is not problem solving but perseverance. Sometimes the only way out is through. That said, combining that necessary acceptance with these five simple actions can bring some relief:
1. Be honest with yourself about how you’re doing emotionally. Not how you think you should be doing. How you’re really doing.
2. Be honest with some people you trust. Tell them about your struggles. Your vulnerability will not only give you an emotional boost; it will be a gift to those you open up to. They may be silently struggling as well, and your authenticity may give them the courage to follow your example.

3. Go easy on yourself. Don’t expect that you’ll accomplish as much as you do in “normal” times. This is the primary lesson I’ve been learning these days.
4. Do something small for someone else. Not anything big that feels overwhelming. Something simple that will help realign your perspective. Send an encouraging text to a friend who’s struggling. Drop off flowers or homemade cookies at a neighbor’s door. Send a thank you card to a frontline worker. You’ll brighten someone’s day and feel less alone.
5. Practice self-care. Do something that fills your emotional tank. Regularly. Take a leisurely stroll through a park. Watch a feel good movie. Call a friend who makes you laugh. Snuggle up with a fun book. Spend time on your favorite hobby.

Some seasons are just hard. That’s not fun, but it’s okay. Night gives way to morning. Winter yields to spring. This trial will pass. Take these simple steps. Give yourself some time. Hold on to hope. If you do, you’ll make it through the desert and take another step toward Becoming Yourself.
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