Developing a Better You

Category: Spirit (Page 20 of 50)

Feeling at Your Limit? 5 Questions to Determine When to Step Back or Step Up

A recent hectic season reminded me of a story a story I originally posted Sept 29, 2018:

I was making the bed when it happened. As I reached over to adjust the sheets, a stabbing pain seized my lower back. The pain literally dropped me to my knees. My wife helped me to my feet, and I sat on the edge of the bed bewildered by this unexpected event. Then I remembered that, in prepping for our upcoming move to California, I had spent long hours over the last three days sitting on the floor sorting through a decade’s worth of papers and memorabilia. My back was reminding me that I’m forty-nine, not twenty-nine. I had reached a physical limit.

As I sat in a chair with a heat wrap on my back, I found myself thinking about my limitations – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. My back going out is an obvious example of a physical limitation and a hard one to ignore. But other limits aren’t so clear. I recently have been talking with someone close to me who has an extraordinary emotional capacity, but, in the face of ongoing difficult circumstances, has finally had to admit that he’s reached his emotional limits.

Seeing someone I respect so much reach that point reminded me that one sign of wisdom and maturity is having the willingness to say, “I can’t. I’ve reached my limit.” Far from being a sign of weakness, this shows the self-awareness and humility necessary for personal growth.

Let me pause here to acknowledge that saying, “I can’t,” can be a cop out. It can be abused, rationalized, and used as an excuse to avoid doing things that are hard, beneficial, and necessary. Claiming to have reached our limits can be a crutch for not facing our own fears and insecurities. No-one ever succeeded in doing anything great without repeatedly pushing themselves past what felt like their limits. Think of earning a PhD, running a marathon, or facing a past trauma. All of these achievements are good and healthy yet require going beyond what the participant formerly thought was mentally, physically, or emotionally possible. 

So how do you know the difference? When is saying, “Enough,” wisdom and when is it a cop out? How do you know when to step back and when to step up? There’s no perfect way to answer this question. It’s unique to every person and to each circumstance. That said, here are some questions to ask yourself that, if you answer with complete honesty, can help:

1.  Is the pain I’m experiencing out of my control or a product of my own choices? Let’s say you were comfortable financially in a job you enjoyed but decided to take a stressful promotion with long hours. Now your family relationships and your health are suffering. You’re exhausted and feel at your limits. What’s the cause? Your choices. You may need to step back and make different decisions. That might mean talking to your boss or even finding a new job. Now imagine that three months ago you were diagnosed with cancer. You’re dealing with the side effects of chemo, lost income from missed work, and an uncertain future. In this scenario, you also feel like you’re at your limits, but the cause is completely outside of your control. There’s really no way out but through. You probably need to step up.

2.  Is pushing myself helping me reach a worthy goal or just causing pain without benefit? If your goal is to make your country’s Olympic Team, pushing yourself past your previous physical limits makes sense. In that case, step up. But if you’re pushing yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually in a way that negatively impacts other areas of your life with no clear goal in mind, you should stop and analyze what’s driving you. Is it pride? An attempt to impress others or measure up to someone else’s ideals for you? Are you running from a problem in your life that you don’t want to deal with? If you do have a worthy goal, is it worth what it’s costing you? Depending on your answer to these questions, you may need to step back.

3.  Are people close to me affirming my behavior or expressing concern? When we’re in stressful situations that cause us to question our limits, it’s often very difficult to see ourselves clearly. We need people around us who have our best interests in mind to give us objective feedback. I was recently sharing a difficult decision that I was facing with my long time accountability partner. He used an analogy of football coaches that really helped me. He explained how the role of the coaches on the field differs from that of the coaches sitting high up in the stadium box. The coaches on the field have the benefit of being close to the action, but their view is limited. The ones in the box are further away from the contest but can see the entire field. Combining the two perspectives yields better decision making. Your perspective from being in the heat of battle is helpful and valid but limited. Listening to other respected perspectives can help you see your situation more clearly. If people in your circle of trust are giving you the green light, you may need to step up and push through your situation. If the ones who love you enough to speak hard truths are expressing concern, you may be wise to step back.

4.  In quiet moments, do I feel at peace and satisfied or overwhelmed and depressed? To start, make sure you actually have quiet moments. When we’re at our limits, we often don’t make time for reflection, either because we’re driving ourselves too hard or because we’re afraid of the truths we’ll have to face if do. When you are in those silent times, take an honest assessment of your emotional status. If you’re tired but have a real sense of peace and accomplishment, then it’s probably healthy to step up and keep going. If you’re exhausted, overwhelmed and depressed, it’s probably time to step back and make some changes.

5. If the circumstances driving me are out of my control, are there resources I can turn to for help? This can be really hard for some of us. We like to think of ourselves as self-sufficient. We hate to appear weak or needy. But guess what? We’re all weak and needy sometimes. That’s part of being human. Being willing to admit that you need help is a sign of strength and courage. Reach out to a friend, family member, coworker, God, pastor, and/or counselor for help. If you’re hesitant, remember that your vulnerability can free those around you to admit their own struggles. Think of how good you feel when you give meaningful help to a friend. Are you going to be selfish and deny them that same feeling? Whenever I turn down my accountability partner’s offer of help, he effectively reminds me of this truth by saying, “Don’t steal my blessing!”

So the next time you’re feeling at your limits, take some time to ask yourself these questions. Answer them honestly. Be courageously vulnerable. Accept help. Give yourself grace. Take action. If you do, you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

The Lord said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.”

The Bible, 2nd Corinthians 12:9 (New Living Version)

Want a Better Life? Balance Your Quadrants

Picture yourself as a square divided into four quadrants labeled Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual.

A quick way to boost your personal growth is to think of what exercises, habits, practices or routines you have for each area. How do you regularly stretch your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual muscles?

Don’t worry if you struggle to come up with something for one or more areas. It takes time to find routines for each quadrant that work with both your schedule and your interest level. If you already have a habit in an area, celebrate it! That makes balancing your life that much easier.

While a rough balance between quadrants is the goal, each of is inclined toward one or more of them. For me, it’s Spiritual. You might be more developed in Physical or Mental. That’s totally fine. Think of a stool—as long as each of the four legs is stable, you’re sitting on a dependable foundation. It’s when one or more of them is weak or missing that you’re probably headed for a tumble.

So what types of practices might work for you in each area?


My morning routine is ten minutes of overall stretching with a few strengthening exercises to address my lower back issues. Then I walk up and down the stairs of my condo building for cardio. Three or four times a week, my wife and I do about fifteen minutes of yoga as well (Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube). You may prefer running, walking, going to the gym, basketball, tennis, swimming, or hiking. The goal is not to make the Olympics—just find some kind of modest physical activity that you enjoy and that works with your schedule. Once you have a routine, you’ll find yourself thinking clearer and having more energy throughout the day.


My current practice is regularly playing chess against a computer ( and taking writing classes on In the past, I’ve done brain games on You might try sudoko, crossword puzzles, strategy games or learning a foreign language. They all help enhance your mental acuity.


To tone my emotional muscles, I regularly donate plasma and volunteer at a food pantry. Serving others not only helps them, it gives me an emotional boost and makes me more grateful for what I have. Visiting museums, traveling and spending time with friends also fills my emotional tank. For you it could be gardening, walking, a hobby or volunteering. Find what’s uniquely energizing to you.


My morning routine consists of ten minutes of meditation, ten minutes of spiritual growth reading (often the writings of Richard Rohr and Henri Nouwen sent via daily emails), and twenty minutes talking with God. I then try to maintain a mindful awareness of God throughout the day. Before bed, I spend five to ten minutes reflecting on any insights I gained and expressing gratitude for good things that happened that day. Once a week, I meet with my long time friend and accountability partner to share our spiritual successes and struggles. Your spiritual practices might include meditation, yoga, attending a religious service, time in nature or reading sacred writings like the Quran, the Talmud, or the Bible.

So how are your quadrants? Which ones feel stable and which might need a little tending? Be honest, but not hard on yourself. Celebrate your successes. Find simple practices that work for you. If you do, you’ll enjoy a more fulfilling, balanced life, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

Want to Achieve Your Dreams? Just Keep Showing Up

The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

thomas edison

Since childhood, I’ve dreamed of becoming a published author.

Growing up, I read voraciously and enjoyed creative writing. I thought how amazing it would be if someday other people enjoyed my stories the way I loved those penned by the authors I idolized. But in high school, I decided to pursue music. Three years ago, I left a twenty-six year career as a profession musician to chase my long-delayed writing dream.

Things started off surprisingly well. Having my wife Lisa McMann, a highly successful NY Times bestselling author, as my writing coach gave me a huge leg up. The first book I wrote, which I thought would be a throw-away practice novel, landed me a great literary agent. After he helped me improve the manuscript, the first editor he pitched it to liked it. After I did a revised draft for her, she took it to her team to build support. I was amazed. This was going to happen!

And then it didn’t. Her team had mixed feelings about my book, and she passed on it. While disappointed, I was still optimistic. If it got that close on the first try, surely my book would quickly sell to someone else, right? Wrong. All the editors in the next round said no. Then all the editors in in the round after that. A year later, I had a list of rejections as long as my arm.

Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.

harriet beecher stowe

Following my wife’s advice, I had continued writing during that submission period and had finished my second novel. My agent thought my writing had improved, so he stopped pitching my first book and began sending out my second. Again, nothing but a steady stream of rejections came my way. I struggled to maintain any hope as I regularly read the announcements of book deals for other authors. How would my writing ever stand out? How could I ever break through? The odds seemed insurmountable.

Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.

Winston Churchill

My published author friends were incredibly encouraging. Kevin Sands shared that his first three books did nothing before his hugely popular Blackthorn Key series. He told me, “Perseverance, more than anything, is what wins the day.” Anna-Marie McLemore told me that their first seven books didn’t sell. But they kept going, kept pursuing their dream. Time magazine recently named their book Blanca and Roja among the top 100 fantasy novels of all time and When the Moon Was Ours as one of the the world’s most influential young adult novels.

You just can’t beat the person who won’t give up.

babe ruth

So I kept going. Kept watching author craft videos. Kept learning. Kept writing. Kept editing. I wrote a third novel, then a fourth, which was my agent’s favorite. He paused sending out my second book and submitted my fourth to an editor.

A few weeks later, it happened. I got the call. I had an offer. Now I have my first book deal with Penguin Random House Publishers (that’s all I able to share publicly at this point; I’ll post more details when I can). I’m going to be a published author!

It always seems impossible until it’s done.

nelson mandela

So what’s your dream? Is it a career change, mastering a new skill, or going on an adventure in an exotic destination? Have you been told it’s impossible? That you’re not good enough, smart enough, or talented enough? Is it a passing fancy or a deep, long-lasting desire? How brightly does your passion burn? Map a course. Take the first step. Build a habit. When you fall, get up. Start again. Focus on your goal. Your dream may be just around the corner. The outcome is not guaranteed, but what in life is? Fortune favors those who keep showing up. At worst, you’ll live a life in pursuit of your dream. At best, it will come true. Either way, you’ll take giant leaps toward Becoming Yourself.

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