Developing a Better You

Tag: personal growth (Page 16 of 65)

The Important Difference Between Talents and Gifts

What is the difference between a talent and a gift?

I’d never clearly thought about the distinction, but the following excerpt from author and speaker Henri Nouwen resonates with me. It’s also incredibly encouraging. So often, I feel like my talents fail me or aren’t enough to meet a need or accomplish a goal. Knowing in those moments that I still have gifts to bring is gratifying.

This concept also opens my eyes to the value and contributions of others that I often overlook. I hope this simple yet profound idea helps you take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

More important than our talents are our gifts. We may have only a few talents, but we have many gifts. Our gifts are the many ways in which we express our humanity. They are part of who we are: friendship, kindness, patience, joy, peace, forgiveness, gentleness, love, hope, trust, and many others. These are the true gifts we have to offer to each other.

Somehow I have known this for a long time, especially through my personal experience of the enormous healing power of these gifts. But since my coming to live in a community with mentally handicapped people, I have rediscovered this simple truth. Few, if any, of those people have talents they can boast of. Few are able to make contributions to our society that allow them to earn money, compete on the open market, or win awards. But how splendid are their gifts!

henri nouwen

As featured in the Aug 17, 2023 Daily Meditation from The Henri Nouwen Society. Text excerpts taken from “You are the Beloved” by Henri J.M. Nouwen, © 2017 by The Henri Nouwen Legacy Trust. Published by Convergent Books

2 Keys to Finding Fulfillment

I am a master of self-deception.

Time after time, season after season, year after year, I sought fulfillment in many things—relationships, praise, career, material possessions, experiences. Each time the long sought thing was finally in my grasp, I felt the same sense of disappointment. Apparently that wasn’t “it” either.

I wish everyone could get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they could see that it’s not the answer.

jim carrey, actor

I think that repeated lesson is sinking in. When I recently achieved my lifelong goal of becoming a published author and spoke to cheering crowds, had packed book signings, and traveled the country for events, I savored the moments as best I could. But when the lights were off and the crowds were gone, I wasn’t surprised to feel… normal. Like the same old me. I was greeted by that familiar sense of, “That was great, but not ultimately fulfilling.” I’m at peace with that now because I know that my career, like so many other things, will never provide that feeling. I’ve found it elsewhere.

I failed at this inner equilibrium for decades, and I’m sure I’ll fail at it again in the future. But for now, I’m good. There are two keys that helped me find my current sense of fulfillment:


I need to continually be honest with myself about my failures, shortcomings, and growth edges, and embrace my shadow side; to love my humanness, in both its glory and frailty. This keeps me from narcissistic ego inflation when the wins are racking up and crushing despair at my inevitable failures. 


I need to ground my sense of self in something stable, dependable, and external. For me, that’s God, and my identity as God’s child. That feels like an unshakable foundation that isn’t changed by money loss, illness, death, dissolving relationships, career shifts, what others think of me, or my own successes and failures.

Author and Harvard professor Henri Nouwen beautifully captured this common struggle for fulfillment:

Aren’t you, like me, hoping that some person, thing, or event will come along to give you that final feeling of inner well-being you desire? Don’t you often hope: ‘May this book, idea, course, trip, job, country, or relationship fulfill my deepest desire’? But as long as you are waiting for that mysterious moment, you will go on running helter-skelter, always anxious and restless, always lustful and angry, never fully satisfied. You know that this is the compulsiveness that keeps us going and busy, but at the same time makes us wonder whether we are getting anywhere in the long run. This is the way to spiritual exhaustion and burnout.

henri nouwen

How’s your sense of fulfillment these days? Could it use a boost? Accept that it will not be found ‘out there.’ Admit your growth edges. Embrace your shadow side. Anchor your identity in something worthy of it, whatever that means for you. If you do, the fulfillment you seek will not be far behind, and you’ll take another step toward Becoming Yourself.

Text excerpts taken from “You are the Beloved” by Henri J.M. Nouwen © 2017 by The Henri Nouwen Legacy Trust. Published by Convergent Books.

The Freedom of Facing Your Shadow Side

I’m a master at lying to myself.

Even after decades of work on personal development, I often try to hide my shadow side—the things I don’t want to see about myself, the things I certainly don’t want you to see about me. Anger, hurt, self-pity, fear, arrogance, apathy, the list goes on.

But learning to recognize and accept my shadow side is necessary in order to become who I want to be. And I don’t mean just so I can eliminate those things, though decreasing their control over me is part of it. I also need to embrace those very human aspects of my character as a part of who I am.

The following recent daily mediation from the Center for Action and Contemplation explored this dichotomy. I hope you’ll find it helpful on your journey toward Becoming Yourself:

Father Richard (Rohr) stresses both the challenge and great gifts that come from working with our shadow self:  

I am afraid that the closer we get to the Light, the more of our shadow we see. Thus, truly holy people are always humble people. Invariably when something upsets us, and we have a strong emotional reaction out of proportion to the moment, our shadow self has just been exposed. So, watch for any overreactions or over denials. The reason that a mature or saintly person can be so peaceful, so accepting of self and others, is that there is not much left of the hidden shadow self. [1] 

Buddhist teacher Tara Brach shares a well-known and instructive myth about the Buddha and his compassionate interactions with the shadow god Mara:  

You may be familiar with images of the Buddha [Siddhartha] meditating all night long under the Bodhi tree until he experienced full liberation. The shadow god Mara (who represents the universal energies of greed, hatred, and delusion) tried everything he knew to make him fail—sending violent storms, beautiful temptresses, raging demons, and massive armies to distract him. Siddhartha met them all with an awake and compassionate presence, and as the morning star appeared in the sky, he became a Buddha, a fully realized being.  

But this was not the end of his relationship with Mara!  

In the five decades following his enlightenment, the Buddha traveled throughout northern India teaching all who were interested the path of presence, compassion, and freedom.…  

And as the Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh tells the story, Mara sometimes appeared as well…. [The Buddha would] stroll over to Mara and with a firm yet gentle voice say, “I see you, Mara…. Come, let’s have tea.” And the Buddha himself would serve Mara as an honored guest.  

This is what’s possible for us. Just imagine that Mara appears in your life as a surge of fear about failure, or hurt about another’s neglect or disrespect. Now, what if your response were to pause and say, “I see you, Mara”—Recognizing. And “Let’s have tea”—Allowing. Instead of avoiding your feelings, instead of lashing out in anger or turning on yourself with self-judgment, you are responding to life with more clarity and graciousness, kindness and ease. [2] 

Richard continues:  

The gift of shadowboxing is in the seeing of the shadow and its games in ourselves, which takes away much of the shadow’s hidden power. No wonder Teresa of Ávila said that the mansion of true self-knowledge was the necessary first mansion on the spiritual journey. [3] Once we have faced our own hidden or denied self, there is not much to be anxious about anymore, because there is no fear of exposure. We are no longer afraid to be seen—by ourselves or others. The game is over—and we are free. We finally are who we are, and can be who we are, without disguise or fear. [4] 

From the June 23, 2023 Daily Meditation from the Center for Action and Contemplation 

[1] Adapted from Richard Rohr, Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2011), 132–133. 

[2] Tara Brach, Radical Compassion: Learning to Love Yourself and Your World with the Practice of RAIN (New York: Viking Life, 2019), 18–19. 

[3] Teresa of Ávila, The Interior Castle, First Mansion, chapter 2, part 8. 

[4] Rohr, Falling Upward, 134. 

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